
"My First Pro Race"...



By Shyanne McGregor

Ironman Chattanooga 70.3 Race Report - My first pro race. Although, I qualified to get my “pro card” in both my 70.3 races last year, I struggled feeling like I really belonged there. However, I was really excited to experience all that racing on a pro level entailed, learn a ton and have fun out there. It was such a cool experience! All the women I met were so nice and so welcoming. I learned a lot, made new friends, got to catch up with old ones.

The swim: Except for Kona, I’ve never had a mass start type of swim. It was definitely an all out brawl for the first few minutes. I could feel myself getting a little panicky but I was able to take some breaths and not go there. I settled in with a group for maybe the first half and realized I could go faster. So I went ahead of them and was on my own for the last half of the swim. I learned some tactical lessons that I’ll implement next race.

My time was close to last year but this year was without the aid of a wetsuit. So probably a better swim comparatively....

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It Had that "New Race" Smell...


Apple Multisport Festival  Coverage - New venue. New format. More options. There was a lot going on yesterday at Sartell High School, a lot of ways to celebrate movement and fitness. While runners did their thing, and time-trialers as well, duathletes and triathletes comprised the lion's share of the entrants. Apple is a 42-year-old event, with it's 41st duathlon setting the stage, and the new pool swim triathlon celebrating its first of what is hoped to be decades of birthdays.

Mild, cloudy with negligible winds, May 19 was perfect for racing and those expected to set the pace did just that. Since 500 yards of swimming should take less time than the 5K run that kicked off the...

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Jayne Shares Some Snarky Thoughts...


ED. The MTN guys have been big fans of Jayne Williams, aka The Slow, Fat Triathlete, for quite a while. We came across this interview with Jayne last week. Check it out.

By Teresa Bergen (OutdoorssWire.com)

It’s been 20 years since the book “Slow Fat Triathlete: Live Your Athletic Dreams in the Body You Have Now” first came out. Author Jayne Williams combined personal stories, practical tips, and hilarious anecdotes to inspire people who had never thought of themselves as athletes to run, swim, and bike. Outdoors Wire caught up with her to get her current insights on running in the body you have. Here’s what she had to say about self-acceptance, health, and finding a balance between a Zen mindset and her snarky side....

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"...According to Plan"...


By Mitchell Clayton

The U of M Morris played host to the annual Tinman Triathlon this past Saturday. I did this race in 2016 and all I remember was pushing 250+ watts to bike DOWN a hill at UNDER 20 mph because of a crazy headwind. This early-season race has historically had cold and windy conditions, but the weather this year was nearly ideal - about 55 degrees with only moderate wind.

The great conditions led to some fast times. In the Olympic-ish distance, Corey Nygaard managed to take 25 seconds off Spencer Syvertson’s course record from 2023. Spencer, coming off a breakout year in 2023, raced the Sprint distance this year and showed even more improvement by knocking over 3 minutes off Brian Storhaug’s course record from 2022.

My race went exactly according to plan. The swim is in the UMM pool and most athletes shared a lane with one other person. I talked with Brian before the race and we decided to swim together. We swam exactly the same time, a brisk...

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Tevin's Transformation...


By Tevin Neegaard

Ironman 70.3 Texas Race Report - Pretty wild what can change in just one year. Last year at this time, I didn't own a bike and had never swam a lap in my life. So, when I say anything is possible if you're willing to work for it, I really mean it.

My triathlon journey began with the Fairmont Sprint last June, a daunting experience where I almost quit during the mass start swim with only 40 participants. Yet, it fueled my determination to improve. Progressing to the Chisago Lakes Olympic Triathlon, I felt a bit stronger, slowly gaining confidence in all disciplines....

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