Race Coverage

Gems & Sheeshes...


By Spencer Syvertson

Lake Minnetonka Triathlon Race Report - The Minnetonka triathlon is a gem! It’s unique because of the large turnout (400+ racers) but it’s not a super intense race like other large events. The amount of people having a good time riding their cruiser bikes was impressive!

Thanks to the MTN coverage I was able to set some goals coming into the race. I was excited to see Preston Youngdahl on the start line. I watched him wipe the field at Timberman last summer and I was eager to reduce the gap this time around.

My swim was solid and I found myself just a few seconds behind the lead as I exited the water. I pride myself on my T1 and used that to take the lead onto the bike.

After strapping in I gave myself a minute to catch my breath and wait for Preston take the lead. My riding has greatly improved so I wanted to give myself a shot to ride with him as long as I could.

He took the lead around mile 1. I lapped my watch and told myself to ride with him for three minutes to see how I can do. After riding on his wheel for a mile I decided the pace was too strong so I let off to find my own pace for the remainder of the ride. I looked back up and Preston was almost out of sight immediately. Sheesh! This guy can ride. I finished with my best sprint speed of 26 mph and still lost a minute and a half.

Next up, we hit the dirt path on foot. The MTN preview had predicted Preston would match his typical margin of victory of 2+ minutes and I took that personally as Michael Jordan would say ;) I had a decent run and maintained the gap to the lead, finishing 1:11 behind Preston for 2nd place. Overall, it was a good day and a fun time!

I have never been disappointment by an event in Minnesota! I’d encourage everyone to try out a new race this summer. Here is my shameless plug for the Alexandria sprint triathlon, my home race. We have a newly constructed beach and park for the race venue. The bike course has the smoothest roads around and features a gorgeous shoreline stretch of the chain of lakes. The run course is what makes it unique. It utilizes the mountain bike trails of Brophy Park. You will be challenged with hills and off road terrain while catching a view of the entire park and lake with 1 mile to the finish line. I hope to see you there!

Happy racing and training!

ED. Super congrats to you, Spencer! Preston had a brilliant race and, man!, so did you. Fun to watch! Additional LMT coverage will post later this week.
