
They Kinda Like Each Other...

scott & andi(Photo - Itinerant tri-couple, Scott and Andrea Myers, doing Sydney.)

When they left Minnesota nine years ago, Scott and Andrea Myers were on the verge of national stardom, status they achieved during their decorated stay in Ohio. Well, they're back and it was totally cool catching up with them.

Q - You left MN almost a decade ago, and now you're back. What's up with that? Why did you split? And why did you return?

A - We moved to the small town of Wellston in the rolling hills of southeast Ohio for Scott's job (engineer with General Mills, moving to a plant) for a "three year assignment". But it was a great place to live (although a very unique culture), we enjoyed our jobs, winters were more mild, and the biking was outstanding. We were there 9 years before Scott's career dictated our move back to Minneapolis. So we are back, and we really do like it here. We are amazed at how bike friendly the Twin Cities are now. If all works out well, this will be our last move until we retire....

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Tolerance & a Bowl of Pizza.....

erikaED. Erika was on crutches when she submitted her questionnaire. She's off them now. Also, we think she has moved to another apartment.

Going "Off Course" - Single ladies, imagine yourself jogging alongside a fit and handsome guy, the kind of dude you'd like to get to know better; when, without warning, he launches a pair of snot rockets; first left, then right.

Wait. It gets worse.

A mile or so later, the handsome young man toots, not once, but a string of 8-10 machine-gun-style gassers. Shortly thereafter he announces that he has soiled himself, news that doesn't surprise you, given the visual and olfactory evidence.

Yuck, right?

Some girls would consider such crass behavior to be a romantic "deal breaker." Some may even have disengaged early, say, after the launch of the first mucous missile.

But not Erika Sperl-Imhoff. Snotters, tootskis and even sharts are not social deal breakers for her....

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Indoor Tri News...

Race Coverage - We totally like the way the YWCA of Minneapolis Indoor Tri Series (Fall, Winter and Spring races) score their events. Not only do they post a participant's time and splits, they also post a comparison of those times with the times the athlete turned in at prior series races. For instance, check out Samanthalyn Trapp's improvement:


FYI, Samanthalyn (photo L) went to Vegas recently and had a wonderful time. She stayed at the Luxor.

The Y's Spring event was contested last Sunday and 68 athletes participated, one of whom was Tom Couillard of White Bear Lake. Tom is 62, which means that as a young man he listened to Frank Sinatra records and spread "oleo" on his toast in the morning. Tom was 3:32 faster on Sunday than he was at the Winter Indoor.

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Not Playing It Safe...

danBy Dan Hedgecock (from http://danhedgecock.blogspot.com)

This weekend Claire and I headed down to the deep south along with our personal race assistant (my dad) for Elite Du Nationals. The race was held in conjunction with Powerman Alabama's multi-sport weekend on the same course as the Powerman Duathlon. Right off the bat I have to say that the Powerman course was hands down the best course I have ever raced on. The course has EVERYTHING: beautiful scenery, smooth roads, challenging hills, off-road running, world class race organizers and phenomenal volunteers. If you're looking for a

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It Will Be Epic....

girls(Great YndeCam photo of The Girls)

Race Preview - BBEs (Best Buds Eternally) Cathy Yndestad and Julie Hull, who between them have more than a hundred dazzling teeth and occasionally take ice baths (photo) together, will kick off their 2012 multi seasons in Henderson, Nevada this weekend at the 2nd annual LEADMAN EPIC 125, which will consist of a 2.5K (1.5 miles) swim, a 109.5 (68 miles) bike and a 13K (8 mile) run. Despite the fact that both girls have been beset by injurious misfortune, Julie especially, in the last 1 1/2 seasons, they are coming into Saturday's race as prohibitive faves.


Because they are both total Studettes, that's why! Since August of 2007, Jules, who looked totally good in the Vickie's Secret ensem she wore at the Underpants Run in Kona last October, has won 11 races, including two ...

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