
Not Playing It Safe...

danBy Dan Hedgecock (from http://danhedgecock.blogspot.com)

This weekend Claire and I headed down to the deep south along with our personal race assistant (my dad) for Elite Du Nationals. The race was held in conjunction with Powerman Alabama's multi-sport weekend on the same course as the Powerman Duathlon. Right off the bat I have to say that the Powerman course was hands down the best course I have ever raced on. The course has EVERYTHING: beautiful scenery, smooth roads, challenging hills, off-road running, world class race organizers and phenomenal volunteers. If you're looking for a

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It Will Be Epic....

girls(Great YndeCam photo of The Girls)

Race Preview - BBEs (Best Buds Eternally) Cathy Yndestad and Julie Hull, who between them have more than a hundred dazzling teeth and occasionally take ice baths (photo) together, will kick off their 2012 multi seasons in Henderson, Nevada this weekend at the 2nd annual LEADMAN EPIC 125, which will consist of a 2.5K (1.5 miles) swim, a 109.5 (68 miles) bike and a 13K (8 mile) run. Despite the fact that both girls have been beset by injurious misfortune, Julie especially, in the last 1 1/2 seasons, they are coming into Saturday's race as prohibitive faves.


Because they are both total Studettes, that's why! Since August of 2007, Jules, who looked totally good in the Vickie's Secret ensem she wore at the Underpants Run in Kona last October, has won 11 races, including two ...

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turtleTurtleman Press Release:

The Turtleman Triathlon - Minnesota's oldest triathlon, is on hold for the second time.

Sixteen years ago the event was absent from the scene for two years until an all-volunteer group of athletes led by Shoreview's Marsha Soucheray brought it back to life. It grew to over 1000 participants, including may who paid a premium price for a "charity slot" after registrations filled. Three times it was voted "Athletes' Favorite" and was often a finalist in that voting.

But the past three years have not been kind to the event. In 2009 huge wind and rainstorms eliminated the swim and forced termination while many were still out on the course. In 2010 the water level in the lake fell such ...

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Smiling Like A Little Kid With A Mustache....

packED. After Dan Hedgecock won the US Elite Duathlon Championship last weekend, we asked Dan's biggest fan, his totally cool dad, Troy, who watched the event, to write a race report from the standpoint

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Stuff About Booze & Exercise...

drinkingBy Susan Rinkunas (For Women's Health & The Washington Post Social Reader)

Alcohol in your system is detrimental to any kind of fitness activity (except maybe on the dance floor). Here's how booze wreaks havoc on your regimen.

1. Slower Recovery

Hard workouts drain the glycogen stores (carbs stored in the liver and muscles) and leave your muscle tissue in need of repair. "Pouring alcohol into your system as soon as you finish stalls the recovery process," says Tavis Piattoly, R.D. High levels of alcohol displace the carbs, leaving your stores still 50 percent lower than normal even eight hours later, according to one study. Sip or snack on a combo of muscle-repairing protein and carbs (think low-fat chocolate milk or peanut butter on whole-wheat crackers) before tipping back....

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