Do-zies & Don't-zies...
Friday, 16 March 2012 03:00
ED. AJ Baucco is a pro triathlete / cool guy with great hair from Ohio whose Blogsite is a total hoot. AJ has many tattoos and used to have muttonchop sideburns. Here's his second most recent post. His site also features some outrageously cool vids. Check 'em out: LINK.
The DOs and DON
Important Newsy Notesey Stuff...
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 03:30
* COOL BEANS - TwinCities Olympic has been added to the prestigious Midwest Collegiate Triathlon Conference Race Schedule. How cool is that!
2012-2013 Conference Schedule:
20-May Bluff Creek Triathlon Boone, IA Olympic
9-Jun Elkhart Lake Triathlon Elkhart Lake, WI Olympic
23-Jun Quartermax Tri Innsbrook, MO Olympic
22-Jul TwinCities Triathlon St. Paul, MN Olympic
5-Aug Omaha Triathlon Omaha, NE Olympic
12-Aug Rev3 Wisconsin Dells Wisconsin Dells, WI Olympic
MPB, Bunions & Fluent Spanglish...
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 03:00
(Photo - The excruciatingly happy Kelly and Steve Sander.)
Here are MTN we like to write about interesting people that we like a lot. The problem is that triathletes are inherently cool, thus we are doomed to like almost all of them.
So how do we choose who we write about?
We categorize. Today, we are selecting our subject from the "Favorite Guys With Male Pattern Baldness" category.
Because there are so many great candidates in this group, we were forced to sub-categorize. Thus, we decided to select a guy from the "Bald Triathletes Who Reside in Richfield, Have Bunions and Who Have Won at Least Six Races Between 2009 and 2011" category....