Not Ready to Sing Soprano...
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 02:00
Going Off Course - Like most heterosexual males, Sean Cooley likes girls. In fact, the handsome Grand Forks triathlete who looks a little like somebody famous, really, really, really likes girls, and is able to sustain multiple crushes at the same time.
He can't help it. You see, Sean suffers from a psycho-hormonal disorder known as "Chronic Horndog Syndrome," or CHS.
This became obvious to us when after the MMA Party (he was nominated for Most Improved), he contacted us via e-mail. The electronic conversation was brief and revealing.
- Sean - "Hey MTN Guys, who was the girl who hung out with the guy who had wing sauce on his shirt?"
- MTN Guy - "Not sure, but it could have been Ross Weinzierl's girlfriend. Ross really should wear a bib to those events."
- Sean - "Does she like him a lot?"
- MTN Guy - "Of course. Everybody likes Ross."....
2012 LTF & OHP Indoor Tri Schedules & Other Stuff...
Tuesday, 20 December 2011 00:30
* Indoor tris are cool and fun. They are a great launching pad for the newbie who is intimidated by open water. And they are perfect for the anxious veteran who can't wait for the outdo0r season to get here.
No company in America produces more indoor tris than Life Time Fitness, and a dozen of their events are staged right here in Minnesota. They are reasonably priced, and open to members and non-members alike.
If you're not already an indoor triathlete, we encourage you to give them a try this winter. Check out the 2012 schedule on the next page...
Whistles, Clipboards & Cardboard Cowboy Hats....
Tuesday, 20 December 2011 00:10
Special Christmas Feature - Have you gotten a Christmas gift for your tri coach yet?
Need some ideas? Whether you do or not, here are some can't miss gifts for your beloved mentor.
For the athlete on a budget, which most of us who pay for coaching are, we suggest the following: ...
Unfinished Business...
Monday, 19 December 2011 02:00
It's On Like Donkey Kong
By Dan Hedgecock (from danhedgecock.blogspot.com)
The 2012 season has officially begun! This week I signed up for the Clermont Draft Legal Challenge on March 3rd, which is only 2
Random Cool Stuff...
Saturday, 17 December 2011 02:00
* 2012 Calendar - In time for holiday gift giving - The Gear West 2012 Multisport Calendar. Highlighting ninety (count