Too Cool Not to Share...
Monday, 16 January 2012 02:00
Ed. This story appeared on yahoo.news.com back in October. It's about a 100-year-old guy with a ZZ Top beard, a bitchin' yellow maharaja hat and a totally unpronounceable name who ran a marathon. How cool is that!
Fun With Orthotics...
Sunday, 15 January 2012 02:00
By Bonnie Pesplanus
Many of you know that orthotics are worn by people who are hot. You know this because I have shared with you that I now have them in my own shoes and can verify this as a true fact. As I sit here wearing them under a broken heat vent that perpetually runs on
Pushing Mega-Watts....& Other Stuff...
Saturday, 14 January 2012 02:00
Hey MTN Guys
Sam Janicki won stage 1 of the Winter Racing Series, beating out a whole gaggle of Canadians. He pushed an incredible 322 watts through the 37 minutes it took him to complete the course. Alex Barrette, 16, a local young up-and-comer (Houlton, WI), took 3rd in the sprint points.
By the way, we've added a Sunday afternoon heat due to demand. Series Info LINK
- Jason Goepfert
ED. Have any of you met Jason? You'd remember him if you had. He's not only a great looking guy and one of the coolest dudes you'll ever meet, he's also seven or eight feet tall. This guy is seriously vertical!.....
Back to His Roots...
Friday, 13 January 2012 02:00
Ed. You many have already read this cool interview of Lance Armstrong, who has sorta returned to triathlon after a 22-year absence. But if you didn't, check it out here. As you know, Lance, who used to be Cheryl Crow's Main Squeeze (and who brushes his teeth almost every day --photo L), is a major stud. What you may not have known, though, is that Minnesota triathlete, Angie Hop, has a debiliating crush on him.
By Julie Pollerino (for Triathlon.competitor.com)
Before he was a bicycling legend or a high-profile cancer crusader, Lance Armstrong was one hell of a triathlete. A pro at 16, he was a top-ranked junior for a few years before he became singularly focused on the bike. More than two decades later, Armstrong, now 40, recently...
2012 Triathloscopes...
Thursday, 12 January 2012 02:00
ED. In addition to Astrology, Erika is also into Head-Bump-ology (we forget the official name of that one!), Plant Perception and a host of other totally cool pseudosciences.
by Erika Sperl-Imhoff
The new year brings all sorts of exciting things, including setting goals and making plans. But how much easier would it be to set those goals/make those plans if you had some insight from the stars? Before you get too far ahead of yourselves, here are your 2012 triathloscopes*.