
More Whys.....

suzie(Photo - 2011 Duathlete of the Year Suzie Fox.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - Today we continue our explanation of why this year's MMA winners were chosen. Let's first dispense with the Most Improved and Triathlete of the Year categories, which were won by Dan Hedgecock and Claire Bootsma. Dan won 10 races, many by unprecedented margins, obliterated course records, and appears to be a shoo-in for a USAT AOY Honorable Mention. He didn't make Team Minnesota last year, but came close (12th). This year he placed 2nd in the ranking behind perennial Team Captain, DKT. No one has argued with the Committee's selection of Hedge for either of these awards. We assume that all agreed that he was a "Slam Dunk."

Same with Claire. No one has challenged the veracity of her awards. Her 2010 Team MN rank was in the 14th-16th range. Her 2011 rank was a clear #1. Winner of seven of the 12 races she entered, two of those efforts receiving POY nominations, and reaching...

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Cool Name. Cool Kid....

enochBy Ivan Pfifer (For InsightNews.com)

If it takes a village to raise a child, Enoch Elliot is a prime example of how this is imperative for our community and our children.

A North Minneapolis resident, Elliot is a 14-year old triathlete. These athletes compete in triathlons, consisting of three phases, swimming, biking and running. He started swimming competitively at the age of seven, and began biking and running at age eight. He trains for swimming seven months out of the year

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Black Friday Stuff...

GEAR WEST is offering some INCREDIBLE deals for Black Friday!

All of the pricing listed will be available through midnight Monday, November 28th...

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Brilliant End to a Brilliant Season...

runED. Here is some of the cool local coverage that Rochester triathlete, Ruth Brennan Morrey, received after she won the ITU Long Distance World Championship on November 5. Brennan Morrey took home the 2011 Minnesota Rookie of the Year award last Saturday.

By Paul Christian (for PostBulletin.com - 11/18)

Ruth Brennan Morrey was a very good soccer player at Rochester Mayo, so good, in fact, that she earned a scholarship to play at the University of Wisconsin.

She played four years with the Badgers and as a senior, was named captain.

Upon graduation, she shifted gears and decided to focus on running

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Due Diligence...

bob & hannah(Photo - Female Junior of the Year Hannah Strom and MMA co-host Bob Powers.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - Determining who should be nominated and who should win the MMAs is an inherently controversial process. Heck, the members of the Selection Committee don't always agree with each others' choices and rationales. In the end, their goal is to demonstrate due diligence; showing that they truly scrutinized the results and that the final choices make sense, even if they are not universally agreed upon.

The truth is that the six-member core of the Committee (there are also three members that participated in the dialogue on a more occasional basis) worked their respective asses off and ultimately stand by the final selections, whether they agree with them or not. The process is totally democratic. They argue like cats and dogs, then independently submit our choices to the Chairman, who counts the votes. The athletes with the most support during the selection process receive nominations. The nominee with the most support in each category wins the award.

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