Whistles, Clipboards & Cardboard Cowboy Hats....

whistleclip boardsSpecial Christmas Feature - Have you gotten a Christmas gift for your tri coach yet?


Need some ideas? Whether you do or not, here are some can't miss gifts for your beloved mentor.

For the athlete on a budget, which most of us who pay for coaching are, we suggest the following: ...

* Whistles. Every coach needs whistles, right! They only cost about three bucks, and that includes the lanyard!t-shirt

* Clipboards. What coach couldn't use an extra clipboard or two. At Office Max the hardboard kind are less than $4, and the plastic ones go for about $6. For $10 you can get your coach a clipboard AND a whistle! How cool is that!

hat* A "Coach" T-shirt. Coaches love these. They're a little more expensive, though. A real cheapo goes for less that $15. A top-of-the-line T would set you back more than 30 bucks.

* Booze. Most coaches drink. If your coach has a sophisticated palette, you can get him or her a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka, which will cost about $25 for a 750ml bottle. If you're truly strapped, get your coach a six pack of Old Milwaukee, which goes for about $2.99. OR, if you're willing to spend a bit more, get him or her a 12-pack, perhaps even the one that comes in the carton that can be turned into a cowboy hat. Now that's a gift that keeps on giving!

We have plenty more ideas we'd be glad to share, but they probably won't be as cool as the ones described in this post.

The MTN Guys hope that every multisporter, and their coach, has the happiest and merriest Holiday Season ever!
