
A Mellancampian Kind of Town..

cornhouseliquor store

Race Preview - Ever been to Paynesville?

Neither have we. But we know it's a cool place; a place that singer/songwriter John Mellencamp, who was born

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Stuff...Plus Dad's Comments...

kate* 2009 Youth Elite National Champion Katherine Lowrey, now 15, from Chaska, won the USAT State Games of the West Youth Elite cashChampionship in Colorado Springs on July 31. Her margin of victory over runner-up Stephanie Jenks of Aurora, IL was substantial: 39 seconds.

* The Lake Marion Triathlon, slated for August 15, is offering a $1000 prize purse to be distrivuted among the Top 3 men and women finishers as follows: 1st - $500, 2nd - $150, 3rd - $150. WEBSITE

* Race day registration will be available at Sunday's Paynesville Area Triathlon, which is produced by the same folks who bring you the popular Graniteman. It you crave hills, the Paynesville bike course is your perfect fix. WEBSITE...

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Getting Championy...

logoK-Swiss is one of our site sponsors and as with all of our indispensable advertisers, we jump at every opportunity to be as obsequious as possible. We need them desperately and as long as they have butts, our lips will be puckered.

In truth, we have a totally "Rock n Roll" relationship with our advertisers. They enjoy fun and and a little outrage as much as we do. To demonstrate this, we'd like you to check out K-Swiss' new "Tubes" video. IT'S AWESOME. It stars that guy (Danny Miller) who plays George Clooney's little sister's fiance in the totally great movie, "Up in the Air," and he's a downright hoot! LINK

Like Deja Vu All Over Again...

yogiThough the picture is small, you should be able to tell that baseball guy Yogi Berra has incredibly humongous ears! Like Dumbo almost.

They haven't always been that long and droopy, though. Did you know that ears never stop growing? Scary, huh! Hey, when you're 114, as Yogi must be, you're lobes will probably lounge on your shoulders, too.

But we digress.

Most of you know that Yogi has a way with words. He's the guy who said,..

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Worth 3000 Words...


Sometimes words aren't enough. Pictures do a much better job. You've heard the expression ,"A picture is worth a thousand words," haven't you? It's probably true, but how did the poet or philosopher or chronic drug user who coined this expression arrive at such a round number. Aren't some pics worth only 936 words? Aren't some worth, say, 1014? We digress.

The Lakefront Days Triathlon, the 5th edition thereof is Saturday, is a very cool event. Too bad it's full, huh? Record turnout, actually.

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