Fueled By McDoubles...
Saturday, 25 September 2010 04:00
This Rev 3-Cedar Point report was lifted from DKT's blogsite and has also appeared on Steve Stenzel's cool website. Photo by Speedo Boy.
By David Thompson
I'm generally happy and sore today after finishing my first iron distance race (2.4 mi swim, 112 mi bike, 26.2 mi run). I finished in 3rd place in 8:36:40. Here's the breakdown of the race: 53:53 swim, 4:35:57 bike, 3:04:07 run. Going into the race I didn't know exactly what to expect except that would be tired and sore whether it went well or not. I figured..
Claire? Dan? Sam? Jenny?
Friday, 24 September 2010 05:00
2010 Minnesota Multisport Awards - 2008 was a super year for rookies, several of whom--Kortney Haag, Patrick Parish, Lydia Novotny, Brooke Larsen--have gone on to achieve stardom...
Drei Duathlondruben Previewenzee...
Wednesday, 22 September 2010 05:00
Weekend Race Previews - You may have noticed that we are totally fluent in German, or "Doitch," as they say in downtown Germany. In deference to this being the United States and all, we'll proceed in American.
The busiest duathlon weekend of the season is on the horizon. Three run-bike-runs, two on Saturday, one on Sunday, are just days away. You can still..