A Beautiful Mind & Phish Food...
Thursday, 17 November 2011 02:00
(Photo: Herbert P. Lefler. This pic must have been taken several weeks ago.)
Going Off Course - Deliberate. Thoughtful. Fair-minded.
St.Louis Park triathlete, Herb Lefler, is a deliberate sort of guy. He moves through life at a deliberate pace. When ambling seems too hectic, he slows down to a mosey.
He also is a very deliberate thinker. He takes the time he needs to thoroughly wrap his brain around the issues that are on his mind, instead of settling, as so many of us do, for expedient answers and pre-packaged explanations.
If you look into Herb's eyes you can tell that a lot is going on behind them. You can almost hear the gears grinding. You can tell in an instant that he is an incredibly smart dude.
As a juvenile Court judge, Lefler is tasked with deciding the fate of some of
Panic is Not Good...
Wednesday, 16 November 2011 02:00
Deaths in triathlons may not be so mysterious; panic attacks may be to blame
By David Brown, Published: November 14 - The Washington Post
In my first triathlon about 15 years ago, I was in a huddle of wet-suited men about to wade into a lake in Maryland when an acquaintance next to me offered a singularly useful piece of information.
He said it was common for people to have panic attacks in the swim leg of triathlons, which are races that consist of swimming, cycling and running various distances, in that order. He
Smiling in Her Sleep...
Monday, 14 November 2011 02:00
Going Off Course - Shoreview triathlete Susan Woods is a terrific person with a huge, radiant, omnipresent smile. Yes, she even smiles in her sleep. Being Canadian explains her terrific-ness. Her smile is a result of her being afflicted with Terminal Happiness.
Susan loves almost everything. Almost everything, excluding late-starting races, makes her happy.
It should come as no surprise that Tom T. Hall's "I Love" is one of her favorite songs. In case you haven't heard it (LINK), it's about baby ducks and slow-movin' trains and "termaters on the vine" and stuff like that, 'cuz those are things that Tom T. loves a lot.
As a tribute to Susan, the MTN guys rewrote Hall's song: ....
Even More Cool Stuff...
Sunday, 13 November 2011 02:00
* BOB WILL BE THERE! - Beloved 87-year-old triathlete, BOB POWERS (photo L), will co-host the Minnesota Multisport Awards on November 19 at Gear West Bike & Triathlon. How cool is that!
Have you gotten your ticket yet? REG. LINK
* 1100 DASHING DIVAS - The 2nd annual DIVA DASH 5K & 10K was yesterday in Circle Pines. It was a total hoot! Approximately 1100 women participated, many clad in very cool, albeit very goofy, Diva-ish outfits. The event was produced by MTN supporter, Final Stretch, the folks responsible for Liberty, Rochesterfest, Waseca and several other great multis. And triathletes rocked socks on that clear, mild, perfect-day-for-running . The 10K was won by Duluth's Jessica Rossing, who enjoyed a breakout tri year in 2011. Second place went to 2010 Team Minnesota member Diane Hankee from Lino Lakes. Also in the Top 5-7 was Mendota Heights' Julia Weisbecker, who was also on Team MN last year. RESULTS