A Beautiful Mind & Phish Food...

herb(Photo: Herbert P. Lefler. This pic must have been taken several weeks ago.)

Going Off Course - Deliberate. Thoughtful. Fair-minded.

St.Louis Park triathlete, Herb Lefler, is a deliberate sort of guy. He moves through life at a deliberate pace. When ambling seems too hectic, he slows down to a mosey.

He also is a very deliberate thinker. He takes the time he needs to thoroughly wrap his brain around the issues that are on his mind, instead of settling, as so many of us do, for expedient answers and pre-packaged explanations.

If you look into Herb's eyes you can tell that a lot is going on behind them. You can almost hear the gears grinding. You can tell in an instant that he is an incredibly smart dude.

As a juvenile Court judge, Lefler is tasked with deciding the fate of some of

When you read his bio below, you'll learn that Herb is a self-effacing guy who possesses a wry wit. A perfect day for him would start at an Outback Steakhouse in Brisbane, where he'd order prime rib and Cheetos while the Musak version of Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying" plays in the background. After dinner he'd drive along the Gold Coast in his fully-restored 1966 Mustang. After arriving at his beach-side bungalow, he'd watch a Cash Cab Marathon on Channel V, while quaffing pints of Steinlager and ingesting an entire half gallon of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, the most lipgasmic ice cream flavor ever.prime rib

cheetosPersonal Stuff:

Hometown: St. Louis Park

Education: BA, JD

Occupation: State District Court Judge

Worst Job: A summer job in college
