Happy in Hudson...
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 02:10
(Photo - It may look like John Heinlein is strangling that dog, but he's really not.)
St. Croix Valley Triathlons - Doug Boehm, whose last name is simply pronounced "Bome," though it looks like there should be more sound or syllables, smiles a lot. Almost all the time, in fact. For him, life is good, filled with the blessings of great friendships, a wonderful family and having been born a chronically happy guy.
Just when it seemed that his life could not get any better, it did.
Last Saturday, Doug and his 12-year-old tri-newbie son Blake raced at the 12th annual St. Croix Valley Sprint Triathlon in Hudson (photo below R). There was something perfect about that morning, and it just got perfecter and perfecter as the day went on....
Getting Everything to Click...
Monday, 03 September 2012 02:10
(Nick Morales / Trijuice.com Photo - This shot is sooooo cool that we're posting it twice; a smallish version here and a humongoid version on the next page.)
ED. In case you haven't seen this story that appeared on the Hy Vee 5150 Championships website....
Des Moines, IA - 9/2/2012 - Adam Webber says he
News! Breaking Like the Wind...Updated...Updated Again...And Again...
Sunday, 02 September 2012 09:32
Hy Vee 5150 EA Championship - According to an unassailable source, Devon Palmer, Dan Hedgecock just WON the Elite Amateur title at Hy Vee 5150 Total Global Championships in Des Moines this morning, for which he'll receive a little car, which is cool, though the vehicle is not big enough to carry his bike and gear, much less, Claire, who now has to find her own way back to The Cities, and schlep Hedge's bike and gear with her. A minor inconvenience.
Dan's win, combined with his victories at St. Anthony's, Life Time - Minneapolis and amateur title at Chisago Half IM, plus his 3rd at Nationals, probably makes him the frontrunner for the 2012 USAT Athlete of the Year award....
Rockin ' & Rollin' in Alex...
Sunday, 02 September 2012 02:10
HARVEST DUATHLON II - Records fell, and fell hard; skinning their metaphoric kneecaps and bleeding with profusiosity. Okay, that was a little much....
Hanging Out in Hudson...
Saturday, 01 September 2012 18:13
St. Croix Valley Triathlons XII featured great racing under perfect conditions, in addition to the event's signature post-race "pig out."
In the Sprint, Matt Payne racked up his 19th career win, becoming only the second athlete, with Becky Youngberg, to have won at both distances in this annual classic. And Payne's time was wicked fast. He shared the Top Step with a fatigued Veronica Bond, who raced at Ironman Canada six days earlier....