Devon's 'Stache Relay...
Saturday, 25 August 2012 14:31
"Tweet your way onto triathlon's first mustache relay"
By Devon Palmer
Thinking of calling it a year? Hold on. You have an opportunity to make history. I, Devon Palmer professional triathlete and proud mustache owner, am looking to build a mustachioed relay team for the upcoming St Croix Olympic race in Hudson on September 1st. Who do I want on my team? You. I'll do the biking and you can swim or run.
What do you have to do to make the team?
1. Join Twitter (https://twitter.com/)
2. Follow me on twitter (search for @dpalmertri and click follow)....
#12 at Whipple...
Saturday, 25 August 2012 02:10
Lakes Country Tri Preview - Marketed as the Lakes Country Tri since 2003, this race actually started in 2001, and was known initially as the Whipple Wave. The event was founded by a sweetheart-of-a-human-being-with-the-blondest-hair-in-the-history-of--well,--hair, Angela Sandelin.
The two WWTs preceding the new and improved name were won by athletes that are, unfortunately, remembered by few in Minnesota's current multisport community. North Dakota transplant, and former pro triathlete, Mike Sweeney, a great guy who looked too big to be fast, took the men's title in those races. Two-time US Duathlete of the Year Kristin Miller, who is now a star rower, was the top girl in '01; the statuesque-and-totally-lovely Anne Lee won in...
A Superior Experience...
Friday, 24 August 2012 02:10
(Photo - Dr. Ann Sudoh is one of the faves to win the women's title on Sunday.)
Superior Man I - This first-time event features a satisfying turn out (400ish participants) and a strong field. A handful of folks with impressive half IM creds will be racing, as well as, more interestingly, a large contingent of folks with sweet short course resumes. We're anxious to see how these athletes fare. We anticipate some breakout performances.
For giggles, here's the Whos and Whys of our predicted men's podium....
The Promise of Awesomeness...
Thursday, 23 August 2012 02:10
Maple Grove Dare to Tri III - This ambitious three-year-old event is one of those rare races that became an instant classic. It's venue, staging, execution (fantastic volunteers!), abundant amenities and grand VIBE are major league; totally first class. It's therefore unsurprising that 1200+ athletes (from 24 states) have enrolled for Saturday's race; that's a 33% increase over the 2011 numbers....
St. Paul Triathlon Stuff....
Wednesday, 22 August 2012 02:10
(Photo - Jane & Julia. Minnesota's fastest Mother/Daughter team?)
St. Paul Triathlons - We knew nothing about Bridget McCoy before she won the St. Paul Sprint Tri. Now we know something about her: We know that she won the St. Paul Sprint Triathlon.
Determined to find out more about her, we consulted Facebook, where we found a whole bunch of Bridget McCoys, all of whom either didn't share their info or live outside of Minnesota.
After a second glance at the race results, we discovered that our Bridget McCoy is 26 and resides in St. Paul.
So, it looks like we now know three things about her. She's a race winner, is under 30 and lives in The Cities....