Extreme Recovery...
Sunday, 30 December 2012 01:10
This article was originally published in the July/August 2011 edition of Inside Triathlon magazine.
By Matt Fitzgerald
In 2008, professional triathlete TJ Tollakson, whose home base is Des Moines, Iowa, spent a couple of months living and training with fellow pro Craig Alexander in Boulder, Colo. Both men were preparing for October
Important Stuff About Breathing...
Saturday, 29 December 2012 01:10
(From swimsmooth.com)
Very few novice swimmers exhale properly into the water.
Nearly all intermediate swimmers think they are exhaling correctly - at least, that's what they say when we ask them. Do they? Very few do.
Even amongst advanced swimmers, quite a few like to hold onto their breath under the water.
Why is this an important swimming technique? Getting your exhalation right will make freestyle feel much easier, get you balanced in the water and as a bonus, make you more relaxed whilst swimming. This will benefit any swimmer, from beginner to elite.
In this article we're going to give you some very simple exercises to perform to improve your breathing technique and this will help you become a much better swimmer....
Amy is Still Alive....
Friday, 28 December 2012 01:10
ED. Amy Bauch is a totally cool person. Many of you already know that. And many of you are familiar with her blog (http://amysrunningaround.blogspot.com). She turned 50 back in 2008 and waxed prosaic about reaching that milestone. Her are those words:
By Amy Bauch
50 great things about turning 50!
I'm in San Francisco for a few days.
Technically, it is for business, but my birthday is tomorrow.
One could argue (fairly successfully) that I came out here a day early so I could prolong turning 50 by a couple of hours (Central time versus Pacific Time, doncha know...)
Devon Reflects...
Thursday, 27 December 2012 01:10
ED. Devon is one of the drollest guys we know. We love his blog and plan to raid it every time he updates it, which isn't often enough as far as we're concerned. Sure, this stuff is a bit dated, but it is still very cool.
By Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)
The 2012 season is over. Here are all the important events that have occurred since August:
-Rev3 Maine: Wonderful trip, really nice place for a race. Not a dazzling performance. Dropped in the swim, rode ok, rough run. Was humbled to see a true bike monster in action, I rode a mediocre 56 and Conrad Stoltz crushed a 52! Consolation: lobster.....
Seriously Cool!
Wednesday, 26 December 2012 01:10
ED. Dear Minnesota multisporters, make plans now to join us in Grand Forks on February 23. Let's do this thing, okay?
By Andy Magness
Feb 23rd, 2013 marks the fourth edition of what is one of the most exciting winter events in the region