
Free Clinic For Newbs & Novs....


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Twitter Smack...


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The Wood...

curt(Photo - Christine and Curt and some balloons.)

As self-appointed historians of the Minnesota multisport scene, the MTN Guys spend a lot of time thinking about and talking about the past. By doing so we find ourselves missing some of the great athletes, who are also great people, that have set bygone standards. We wish that they were still racing.

Those who have entered our state's multisport scene in the last five years may never have heard of Julie Olson, a former Hawaiian Ironman podiumer who won more races in the 80s than any other Minnesota woman, or Kris Miller, a two-time US Duathlete of the Year, or 8:45 Ironman, Matt Haugen.

Sure, many know Matt as a coach, but only those who have been around for a while are aware of what an awesome athlete he was....

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Distinguishing Pros From Amateurs...

danBy Dan Hedgecock (http://danhedgecock.blogspot.com - March 27, 2013)

I am excited to have had the opportunity to do an interview with Slowtwitch. If you haven't heard of it, Slowtwitch is the LetsRun of the triathlon world.

Slowtwitch Interview (Or see yesterday's MTN post)

I am also happy to have been able to stir the pot with the pro/amateur argument because I think the current system has some legitimate problems and have tried to sum up my thoughts on the issue here.

Triathlon distinguishes between

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Hedge's Cool ST Interview...

carBy Herbert Krabel (for slowtwitch.com / March 26, 2013)

Minnesota resident Dan Hedgecock won the amateur titles at Lifetime Fitness Minneapolis, St. Anthony's and HyVee and snagged a sweet car in the process. When he isn't racing, training or hiking he is likely found working hard at Gear West Bike. He also is the 2012 Elite Duathlon champion and was bestowed the Elite Duathlete of the Year title. This year at St. Anthony's though we may see him stepping up to the big league, or maybe rolling up in his blue MINI Cooper.

ST: Thank you for your time Dan.

Dan: Thank you for the interview, I love Slowtwitch and am excited to be a part of it.

ST: Are you more of a home page reader or a forum lurker?

Dan: Mostly a home page reader, but I love to stir the pot and get people riled up when I can. I laugh at how aggressive a lot of the people on the forums are. I think a lot of people take themselves and this sport way too seriously....

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