Hedge's Cool ST Interview...

carBy Herbert Krabel (for slowtwitch.com / March 26, 2013)

Minnesota resident Dan Hedgecock won the amateur titles at Lifetime Fitness Minneapolis, St. Anthony's and HyVee and snagged a sweet car in the process. When he isn't racing, training or hiking he is likely found working hard at Gear West Bike. He also is the 2012 Elite Duathlon champion and was bestowed the Elite Duathlete of the Year title. This year at St. Anthony's though we may see him stepping up to the big league, or maybe rolling up in his blue MINI Cooper.

ST: Thank you for your time Dan.

Dan: Thank you for the interview, I love Slowtwitch and am excited to be a part of it.

ST: Are you more of a home page reader or a forum lurker?

Dan: Mostly a home page reader, but I love to stir the pot and get people riled up when I can. I laugh at how aggressive a lot of the people on the forums are. I think a lot of people take themselves and this sport way too seriously....

ST: Well, on a more serious note then how is the 2013 season preparation going?

Dan: Very good. I spent the winter training in Clermont FL. I live in Minnesota, so the winters are challenging. I just got home today and there is still enough snow on the ground to go cross-country skiing tomorrow. My main goal pre season was to get my swim to at least passably decent. I
