
Michelle Goes to Bed at 8....

kidED. Minnesota's fastest Ironwoman, Michelle Andres, has given MTN permission to post articles from her cool new blog, teamandreskona.blogspot.com, in which she chronicles her preparations for the 2013 Hawaiian Ironman World Championships. Here is the first installment. Enjoy.

New Year and New Adventures

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"Bwah Ha Haaaa"......

fishBy Bonnie Oceedee

So there we were last spring; my husband and I sitting on the couch together, relaxing after a long work day. He picked up our son

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Not Missing the Point...

lanceED. You didn't have to read Sally Jenkin's Washington Post article, which we posted several weeks ago, on Lance Armstrong to a appreciate Dan Empfield's brilliantly constructed and thoroughly eloquent commentary that is reprinted here.

Sally Jenkins' Omission

Written by: Dan Empfield

Date: Mon Dec 17 2012 - slowtwitch.com

By now many of you have read Sally Jenkins article on Lance Armstrong in the Washington Post. As most of you also know, Ms. Jenkins co-wrote, "It's Not About the Bike," with Armstrong, one of two books they authored together.

In her opinion piece Jenkins employs a recurring motif: "Maybe I'm not angry at Lance because..."

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Serious Fun in the Snow...

logoIceman Run Extreme 5k...January 12, 2013

Jerry's up for the challenge, are you?

by Bill Corcoran

When I started the Graniteman Triathlon in Central Minnesota 10 years ago, I never dreamed that it would lead to managing an event like Iceman. Patterned after our summer Mudman Race, the Iceman Run, at Daytona Golf Club in Dayton, MN, is a perfect mix of wintery obstacles and hard core trail running. Daytona Golf Club is on the north side of the Twin Cities and has a huge indoor area to keep warm before and after the race.

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2012 Photo of the Year...


This great John Pischke shot of Angie Hop could be entitled "Inner Dialogue." It's about that moment in a race when you come apart, one chunk of you insisting that you must stop, the other telling you to keep pushing, to finish, to stay whole....

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