Be Careful Out There...

bikeLet's Be Careful Out There.... (thank you, Phil Esterhaus)

By Amy Bauch (http://amysrunningaround.blogspot.com)

Spring is in the air and it it time to get the bike off the trainer and back on the road!


I write this on April 11th -- a date far enough along the calendar that we SHOULD be able to be out on the roads, but alas, in case you haven't heard, Minneapolis (and much of the midwest) has been the victim of a very lousy spring. Rain, cold, wind followed by more rain, cold, wind and today -- yes, today, the city received 7 - 10 inches of wet, heavy snow.

What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, the weather was warm, lakes were open, people were out on bikes, and golfing and living large....

This year, we are all slowly going a little stir crazy and are anxiously awaiting the first real whiff of spring so we can GET OUT and get moving.

I have braved the roads and bike paths a couple of times this year....all three times were on days when the weather was somewhat cooperative. I had to get out. I just couldn't take the trainer any more.id

Well, I wasn't the only one out there. The bike paths were jam packed with people and, since at this time of year, bikers and pedestrians share the paths, I thought it might be a good time to send out a gentle (or not so gentle) reminder to cyclists and pedestrians (aka peds) alike focused on good and safe bike etiquette in the hopes of keeping us all safe and sane out there on the roads.

(Disclaimer: although the suggestions below come from me and represent my personal point of view,. I make them in the spirit of offering them up to help us all avoid injury and aggravation).

Who Are You? I can't stress enough the importance of getting and wearing a Road ID. This handy ID will not only provide you and your loved ones peace-of-mind that you can be identified, your 'in case of emergency" people can be contacted and any allergies are listed so they are avoided if you need emergency treatment, wearing it makes you look cool. Whether you wear the wrist or ankle band version, or use the hip, cool and groovy dog tag (like I have), you'll feel safer out there. (And your significant others will breath a little easier when you are out there for those long rides....) www.roadid.com ...READ MORE
