Weekend Results...Updated...Again...
Sunday, 04 August 2013 08:34
* Staged on a perfect day at its terrific new "destination" venue, BREWHOUSE XXVII may have been the best BH ever! Eleven-time Brewhouse champ Brian Bich (photo L) called it, "My new favorite race." Story and photos on Monday. RESULTS
* In what was arguably his best tri-effort ever, Jeff Grebner won the 3rd annual GRANITEMAN - BIG LAKE TIATHLON on Saturday. His female counterpart was Jamie Heying, who dominated the women's G-Man Tri Series. Talented rookie Larry Hosch topped the men's Series final leaderboard. RESULTS
* 122 of MINNESWASKA's 128 registrants made it to the finish line in Glenwood on Saturday. Leading the way were Denver Rogolla and Julia Lyng. Two of Lyng's daughters, Kelly Koch, 13, and 2013 Junior of the Year runner-up Jane Koch, 16,...
Todd's Friend...
Sunday, 04 August 2013 01:10
My Friend Karen...
By Todd White
If you have been doing triathlons for a while, you will notice that triathletes come and go in the triathlon scene. Some people are active and then fade into the woodwork, some move to other cities and some specialize in certain distances that are not what you are concentrating on at the time....
Getting Uncranked...
Saturday, 03 August 2013 01:10
Overcoming Crankiness...
By Devon Palmer (Posted on July 22, 2013 by palmertri.wordpress.com)
Muncie 70.3 left me cranky for the better part of a week. My optimism levels are just now returning to normal. I would always tell an athlete to keep a broad perspective and never get too down over a single performance but this did little to stop me from feeling mad, sad and robustly pouty.
Though last week was mostly easy a few things in training have cheered me up. First, I set 3 swim PRs at practice at Hopkins Masters. Monday I got in, warmed up for 200, put on my paddles and pullbouy and swam my fastest 1000 ever. Previous 1000 PR was probably set en route to 1500 (I've done a couple of these in practice, also...
Swim Fast, Bike Faster, Run Even Faster...
Thursday, 01 August 2013 03:10
ED. Likely 2013 Rookie of the Year nominee, Casey Miller won the Chase the Police Triathlon last Saturday. Here is his cool race report:
By Casey Miller
Some reflections on learning as well as a race report from Chase the Police.
I've been thinking alot about yesterdays race and just felt like actually talking about it and since my wife and kids are at Paul Bunyan land I thought I'd just write about it on here even though I really never thought I'd put a race report on here because all the other ones I have read are enjoyable, funny, inspirational, and filled with wisdom I wasn't sure I wanted to try and write something others would actually care about reading but here it goes anyways....