Chisago -
Thursday, 25 July 2013 01:10
Chisago Half & Sprint - The 7th edition of this annual classic will be staged, as always, at Paradise Park in Chisago City on Sunday. Being somewhat nerdy, we like statistical stuff and will share some historical race stats with you here. As much as we like figures and numbers, we also like to not have to create new prose for the website every day. So here are the Chisago Lakes Half and Sprint records and some observations and predictions about Sunday's races.
Love for Protectors & Servers & Cheeseheads...
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 01:10
1st annual SHELL LAKE TRIATHLON - This event is the latest addition to the Frontrunner USA roster of multisport events and it will be staged in a cool village in western Wisconsin that is named for the lake next door. The town is well-known for its art center and summer jazz camp for kids. We thought you'd like to know.
We heard that Brendon O'Flanagan, who should receive a
Awesome in Annandale...
Monday, 22 July 2013 05:10
(Photo - HOLT's women's podium - Nicole, Diane and Jan.)
Heart of the Lakes XXVIII Coverage - The Minnesota Multisport Awards Selection Committee has kept close eyes on the unfolding 2013 season. Many of the award categories are coming into focus and last Sunday's wonderful Heart of the Lakes Triathlon, aka The Minnesota State Triathlon Championships, revealed many of the potential nominees and even a few frontrunners.
Though pros are ineligible for nomination, we would be remiss if we glossed over David Thompson's win in Annandale. Leading from horn to mat, albeit with eventual amateur winner Marcus-Freakin'-Stromberg in his rearview during the early going, David managed to dip under the magical 1:30 (1:29:29) mark in the Long Course event, which at .5-21-5.3 falls within the "International Distance"...
Stuff About Waseca V...
Monday, 22 July 2013 03:10
Waseca Preview - The 5th annual Waseca 1/3 and Sprint is slated for Sunday and, well, we're kinda bummed. Why? It's on the same day as the Chisago Half and Sprint, which isn't great for either race, attendance-wise.
We have a very special chamber in our MTN hearts for Waseca. Not just the race and its bitchin' courses, but the town itself. It's one of those Midwestern communities that make you proud to be a Midwesterner.
Nearly everyone who has done the 1/3 IM has raved about event and MTN urges EVERY triathlete in our solar system to do it someday and see if you don't get hooked. Successful tri veterans like Dan Cohen, Matt Payne, Kevin O'Connor...
Soccer Girl & Dr. Evil...
Monday, 22 July 2013 01:10
Chaska X - The 10th edition of the Chaska Triathlon featured fallen records, a surprise star, a brief un-forecasted rainstorm and the race director getting his head shaved. The first record to fall was courtesy of defending champ Kyle Serreyn, who lowered Nick Madrinich's 2009 CR from 1:09:17 to 1:06:38. Runner-up Bob Wolter, who placed 3rd here in 2012 and 4th in 2011, pushed Kyle to his stellar performance. (You can read about that cool mano-a-mano battle on Kyle's Blog: LINK.) Wolter also dipped under Madrinich's old mark, posting a 1:07:37.
Jordan Buth rounded out the men's podium, his 3rd place finish (1:12:59) was arguably his best performance to date.
The next record to get shattered was the women's CR. Doing that job was Olivia Bagnall, a collegiate soccer star who was making her tri debut. Posting the splits of an established star...