Todd's Friend...
Sunday, 04 August 2013 01:10
My Friend Karen...
By Todd White
If you have been doing triathlons for a while, you will notice that triathletes come and go in the triathlon scene. Some people are active and then fade into the woodwork, some move to other cities and some specialize in certain distances that are not what you are concentrating on at the time....
A few years back, I was regularly swimming at the University of Minnesota Natatorium with the swim club. The parking was a pain but once in the water, it was amazing fun to swim with friends. One of my friends I would see on Saturdays was around 50 and she always had a smile and a good attitude. She had been able to compete at the World Championship in Hawaii and encouraged me to do Ironman training helping me with the basics. She had raised a couple of kids and then divorced her husband due to a square peg in round hole thing. In some of our discussions, I had learned that she was the local YMCA executive. I