
Last Hoorahing...

Postcard-front-1.gifWe got this cool postcard from Heather Lendway last Tuesday. She was in Greece at the time spending devalued Euros and eating goat with yogurt and grape leaves. For those who don't know, Greece is in what is called the "Mediterranean" region, not far from Europe.

We were able to decipher almost all of Heather's note. Most of it written in English. Check it out:


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Pharmie's Let Herself Go...

anurag-jain.gifYWCA Indoor Tri #3 - Lotsa cool stuff happened last weekend at the YWCA Indoor Tri. Sixty-three finishers. Bob Thompson and Anne Grabowski repeated as overall winners in the Mega Sprint. Leslie Stanaway was the shortest and smiliest finisher in the overall Top 4 of the Sprint. And Anurag Jain, who placed 4th in the Mega, had the coolest name in the entire event. We're not sure how to pronounce it.

We looked up Anurag Jain on Facebook and learned that he is a guy, and that he's from Dehli, India. We also know that's he's been to Mount Rushmore (photo L) and Duluth, likes tennis, Robin Williams, nan and Chicken Tikka Masala....

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Hats & Dirty Word...

kristin-family.gifKRISTIN WEINZIERL is an infrequent swim-bike-runner, but a talented one, nonetheless.

Before we share some of Kristin's results, we want to tell you some cool stuff about her that we learned on Facebook. She, like us, likes to listen to the Dave Ryan Show in the morning, especially on Thursdays when he does "The War of the Roses." Have you ever tuned in for that? It's a hoot! Dave and Falen bust people that are totally cheating on their boyfriends or girlfriends.

You can learn a lot about a person just by looking at pictures of them. In the photo (L) we can tell that Kristin is very pretty and looks good in hats. We can also tell that she has at least one child, who also rocks in hats, and that her husband, another hat person, is much taller than she is and needs a shave. The family has good taste in clothing....

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Former Salukis & Taylor Swift Lookalikes...

crista.gifED. Here's some perfunctory coverage of a couple of indoor triathlons.

LIFE TIME - EDEN PRAIRIE INDOOR (March 9) - The guy who won this event is named Marty Wyland. There's a guy by that name on Facebook, but we're not 100% sure if it's the guy who won the tri, but we think it is. If we're right, we know that he's a former "Saluki," i.e. that he attended Southern Illinois University, and he likes Twinkies alot. He's a computer guy and has a lot of hair. At age 55, he rocked a 13th place overall finish at One Last Tri last fall.

Marty placed 5th at this event last year.

The fastest woman at LTF-EP was Crista Bartholomew. Crista is one of the totally attractive women in the photo (L). We don't know which one. The girl on the left looks a little like Jennifer Lawrence, don't you think? The girl on the right looks like a slightly older version of Taylor Swift...

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Gwen Rocks Mooloolaba...

GWENN-WIN.gifUSAT Press Release

Mooloolaba, Australia — Gwen Jorgensen and Katie Hursey ran to first- and second-place finishes for the United States on Saturday at the 2014 ITU World Cup opener.

Jorgensen (St. Paul, Minn.), who finished fourth in the ITU World Triathlon Series rankings in 2013, clinched her victory in 59 minutes, 55 seconds on the 750-meter ...

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