Hats & Dirty Word...

kristin-family.gifKRISTIN WEINZIERL is an infrequent swim-bike-runner, but a talented one, nonetheless.

Before we share some of Kristin's results, we want to tell you some cool stuff about her that we learned on Facebook. She, like us, likes to listen to the Dave Ryan Show in the morning, especially on Thursdays when he does "The War of the Roses." Have you ever tuned in for that? It's a hoot! Dave and Falen bust people that are totally cheating on their boyfriends or girlfriends.

You can learn a lot about a person just by looking at pictures of them. In the photo (L) we can tell that Kristin is very pretty and looks good in hats. We can also tell that she has at least one child, who also rocks in hats, and that her husband, another hat person, is much taller than she is and needs a shave. The family has good taste in clothing....


Kristin likes the local cover band called "Dirty Word." We checked them out on YouTube and liked them a lot. LINK

We thank Kristin for allowing us to have a little fun at her expense. kristin-run.gif

She had a very successful 2013 tri season. Check out her results:

- 2nd @ Chaska

- 5th @ Iron Girl

- 7th @ Buffalo Olympic

- 15th @ Lake Waconia















