2016 MMA Nominees...
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 23:10
MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Here are the 2016 MMA nominees in all categories. Check them out. Also, if you plan to attend the party / awards presentation, use this list to study for "Emma Bingo," where the person who correctly guesses the most winners will receive a thick wad of cash....
Find Your "Why"...
Monday, 24 October 2016 23:10
By Mike Buenting (mikebuenting.wordpress.com)
As a coach I work with many types of athletes I see all kinds of people with all kinds of goals from competitive age group athletes to elite athletes to high level varsity high school athletes.
Some have great passion and motivation and some lack that. Some have the drive to keep moving and progressing and some don’t. Some are truly runners, swimmers, or cyclists and just live to do that each and every day and some are seasonal more bucket list recreational types.
As a coach this can be frustrating because I’m looking for athletes that have a vision, a goal and a passion for what they do and want to achieve. I’m a very dedicated and committed coach who will work very hard to keep the athlete focused and hold them...
More "Race of the Year" Stuff...& Dani News...
Sunday, 23 October 2016 05:10
MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Here, in alpha order, are the five finalists for "Triathletes Choice Race of the Year:"
MTN Congratulates directors Doobie, Ross and Tina, Clint, Alan and Amy, and Nicole for producing first class racing experiences for the multisport athletes of our state. We hope to see them, and/or their representatives at the Tri Night Awards Party on November 12 at Gear West Bike & Triathlon in Long Lake....
Can You be a Fast Ironman?
Saturday, 22 October 2016 23:10
Scientists noted the common features in the best Ironman racers.
By Susan Lacke (triathlon.competitor.com)
Are there variables that can predict an athlete’s success at long-course triathlon? Scientists in Switzerland say yes. In a review of 76 studies on Ironman triathletes, researchers noted common themes in determining a successful outcome at the 140.6 distance...
When Triathlon Becomes an Unhealthy Compulsion...
Friday, 21 October 2016 23:10
Tenacity is an admirable trait when it comes to chasing your triathlon goals, but how do you know when your commitment has become an unhealthy compulsion?
By Mackenzie Lobby Havie (triathlon.competitor.com)
To be sure, balancing three athletic disciplines requires dedication. When you’re so focused on fitting it all in—or chasing your next PR—it can be easy to become consumed by the challenges (and rewards) the sport presents. While commitment is a good thing, compulsion is not. An addiction to training can have detrimental consequences for your relationships, finances, and physical and mental well-being....