Triathlete of the Year: History...
Wednesday, 09 November 2016 23:10
MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Today we look back at the list of awesome women who took home the TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR award. We have added some notes on each recipient.
2015 - SUZIE FOX (Suzie lives in Chaska with her many,many dogs and remains one of our state's most decorated multisportswomen.)
2014 - HEATHER LENDWAY (Heather got her pro license in 2015. She raced brilliant that year and was named US Elite Rookie of the Year. A richly deserved honor.)
POY History...
Tuesday, 08 November 2016 23:10
MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Today we share the history of the PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR award. Note that this list features FIVE Ironman victories.
2015 - Matt Payne (CR @ Apple Duathlon) & Michelle Andres (Victory @ Ironman Wisconsin)
2014 - Matt Payne (Vistory @ BOUS) & Heather Lendway (CR @ Life Time - Minneapolis)
2013 - Matt Payne (2nd @ New Orleans 70.3) & Heather Lendway (Victory at USAT Nationals - Fastest women's time ever!)
2012 - Dan Hedgecock (Victory @ Hy-Vee) & Michelle Andres (CR @ Ironman Wisconsin)
MMA History: Duathletes
Monday, 07 November 2016 23:10
MMA HISTORY - The MMAs were launched in 1999 and this week MTN will share some history, starting with the DUATHLETES OF THE YEAR. The first Minnesota DOY award was presented in 2000. The winners are an august group of national class athletes.
2015 - Matthew Payne (Matt also won the USAT DOY awards in 2015 and 2014)
Long Distance AOY Nominees...
Sunday, 06 November 2016 23:10
2016 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - There is one final award category to reveal: Long Distance Athlete of the Year. This category was introduced in 2014, the year Matthew Payne took home the trophy. Rookie Dani Vsetecka won in 2015.
To be eligible for a nomination, an thlete must have turned in at least two outstanding long distance (half IM or longer) performances during the year in question.
This year's nominees are, in alpha order:
- DIANE HANKEE - LD HIghlights - 1st @ Liberty Half (4:42:30), 2nd @ Muncie 70.3 (4:38:51), 3rd @ Steelhead 70.3 (4:41:32)
- ERIN HYNDMAN-FARRENS - LD Highlights - 1st @ Toughman Minnesota (4:49:07), 3rd @ Timberman 70.3 (4:43:35), 3rd @ Ironman Louisville (10:02:22)
- MATTHEW PAYNE - LD Highlights - 1st @ Toughman Minnesota (4:13:57), 2nd @ Superior Man (4:10:48)...
Dave is Very Smart Eater...
Saturday, 05 November 2016 23:10
The six-time Kona champ adheres to a ketogenic diet, which is high in healthy fats, and low in simple carbohydrates. Scott breaks it down like this: About 60 percent of what he eats consists of omega-rich, good fats (seeds, nuts, olives, coconut oil, cold-water fish), 20–25 percent is protein, and the remainder consists of fiber-rich carbohydrates. After 3 to 4 weeks of following a ketogenic diet, the body begins burning body fat stores as its primary fuel, not carbohydrates. Scott also touts the benefits to healthy brain function.
By Julia Polloreno (triathlon.compeptitor.com)
You want to look at the fiber content of your carbohydrate source, says Scott. He recommends nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich carb sources like kale, broccoli, ...