Persuasive Stuff About Cyclocross...
Wednesday, 05 October 2016 23:10
By Lisa Lendway
For most of us, it’s the off-season. For me, that means less running, less swimming (who am I kidding – no swimming) and MORE cyclocross! What is cyclocross, you might ask? I recommend Googling it for the best answer. Why do cyclocross? Here are my top reasons:
1. Bike handling skills. Triathletes are notorious for not being able to turn. Don’t be that triathlete. Cyclocross will make you a master of bike handling in no time. Don’t believe me? Ask Gwen Jorgenson (especially near 2:40) or Sarah True. They both use the sport to hone their skills during the off-season...
Iron Questing...Updated...
Tuesday, 04 October 2016 05:10
IRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - How will Minnesotans fare in Kona next Saturday? We can't wait to find out. Like you, we're sure, we'll be following the race closely.
Here are some of the Loon State triathletes we will be following:
- MICHELLE ANDRES (photo below L) - Minnesota'a all-time fastest Ironwoman, she set her PR--9:50:23--at Kona in 2013. She received the "Performance of the Year" award for that effort. The MMA Committee will not announce their POY nominees until after Ironman because we hope that Michelle, who has won two POYs for IM performances, will rock another POY-worthy effort on the Big Island. (Kona Bib# 1085)...
2016 Nominees: Duathlete of the Year...
Monday, 03 October 2016 23:10
MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Today we reveal the official nominees for DUATHLETE OF THE YEAR. This category differs from the others in that athletes are only required to have TWO outstanding performances in order to receive consideration. This is due largely to the fact that Du Nationals was relocated from St. Paul to Bend, Oregon. As a result, very few of Minnesota's elite duathletes raced in more than two run-bike-run events.
Here, in alpha order, are the nominees:
- WADE CRUSER, 29, Sauk Rapids (photo)
2016 Highlights:
- 1st @ Cinco Du Mayo Long Course
- 1st @ Oakdale Duathlon - 1:02:07 (Outstanding time in unaccommodating weather conditions)
- 3rd @ Apple Duathlon...
Tri Night '16: The Party of the Year!
Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:10
MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - The MMA's lauched in 1999 and the MMA Awards Party, aka "Tri Night," started in 2000. The 2016 festivities will happen on Saturday, November 12 at Gear West Bike & Triathlon in Long Lake, where it has been held since 2011.
Unlike past years, there will be NO cost to attendees. Noshable food, plus beer and wine will be provided courtesy of our generous host, GWB&T.
DKT Does Sweden...
Saturday, 01 October 2016 23:10
By Slowtwitch.com (Sept. 12, 2016)
Team Valhalla Racing was the top American team at ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championships but did not finish the race as strong as they started. After emerging from the first and longest swim of the day in the lead, Minnesota-based pro triathlete David Thompson and Slowtwitch’s Lars Finanger matched the pace set by the eventual winners, Lelle Moberg and Daniel Hansson, and the runners-up, Paul Krochak and Oscar Olsson, if only for the first few hours of racing....