Falls X Predictions...
Sunday, 22 April 2018 23:10
RACE PREVIEW - Yesterday we posted about the du newbies that are currently enrolled in next Saturday's FALLS DUATHLON. Today, we will talk about those we expect to be the frontrunners, both elite and in some of the AGs.
Our predictions here are based on the assumption that no other elite, or AG challengers, will register between the time we perused the entry list (last Friday) and race day. History tells, however, us that several competitive athletes will be later registrants. We'd be surprised if a few elites, like 2013 women's winner Jenn Scudiero, or Suzie Fox, or defending champ Jesson Baugartner, or Brian Sames and Jacob Olsen didn't make the trip to Cannon Falls next Saturday. Likewise, we think that AG stars like Andy Clark (50-54M) and Tracy Serreyn (50-54W) might decide to show up.
Still, this prediction stuff is fun to do, and those we talk about here will probably perform well on Saturday.
Our pick to win for the men is KEVIN O'CONNOR, who for two decades had been recognized as one of our country's premier open class tri and du-athletes, then became an equally respected and decorated master.
KO, 46, was victorious at Falls in 2016, doing so in Masters Record time. He had also race here last year, placing 3rd behind former World Du champion Jesson Baumgartner and two-time Most Imprved nominee Jordan Roby.
At this point in time, we think that Kevin's stiffest competitive will come from SCOTT MYERS and PETER SOMERS, who like his dad, is a Cheesehead (photo below) ...
Falls Du X Preview...
Saturday, 21 April 2018 23:10
RACE PREVIEW - The 2018 outdoor multisport season gets underway next Saturday. There are two races, the MORRIS TINMAN, which is over 30 years old and is our state's annual tri kickoff, and the 10th edition of the popular FALLS DUATHLON. In that MTN's central goal for 2018 is to help stimulate race attendance, hopefully helping to restore our racing scene to its former glory, we strongly encourage everyone, regardless of your current fitness level, to participate in one of these two events.
Today we are previewing the Falls Du, a truly outstanding race. Early registration numbers are very encouraging, suggesting that with a healthy sign-up between now and race day (There IS race day registration!), FD X will have 300+ athletes on its starting line.
We got a peek at the reg. list last week and we're heartened to learn that 81 duathlon newbies are enrolled, which is slightly more that one-third of the current field. We don't know how many of these folks are rookie multisporters, or are triathletes who are giving du a try for the first time. In any case, these numbers are awesome and we hope they portend increased numbers for all of our state's multisport events....
No "Dilly Dilly"...
Friday, 20 April 2018 23:10
By Jake Braam (Facebook)
“The forecast is gonna be what?” I asked.
“40 degrees, 25-35mph headwind, and heavy rain,” Nicholas responds solemnly.
“We’re screwed.”
2 days later I found myself in the pit of misery (no dilly dilly to be had) sloshing my way through the suburbs of Boston. I went out too fast, wore too little clothing, and was drenched to my core. At about mile 22 my body went from racing to survival mode. Glad I was able to kind of hang on and make it to the finish line. Upon reaching the finish line, medical personnel took care of me because I was shaking so bad. I'm so thankful for the volunteers and staff. I'm also overwhelmed by all of the support I received from family and friends. Huge thanks to Katie Braam Paquette, Zach Barrett, and Christina Roberts for flying out and spectating in the weather....
Minnesotans are "Boston Strong!"
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 23:30
ED. Weather conditions for the Boston Marathon last Monday were nothing short of yucky. Cold (mid 30s), driving rain, VERY windy. For almost everyone, PR dreams were put on hold. Here, we are posting words on the performances of a few of the MInnesotans who ran. And we encourage other Minnesota participants to comment on MTN's Facebook page, or use the COMMENTs feature below, to let us know how your fared.
From Duluth's TIFFANY KARI (photo) - I made it! I finished the Boston Marathon in what was said to be the worst race conditions in 100 years! Up to 30 mph headwinds, 40 degrees, consistent rain with occasional heavy downpours that became more frequent as we approached the finish line. It was as if Mother Nature was giving us a Grand Finale. It was ridiculous! I had to chuckle. It was the slowest on record in 40 years and I know why. 😉
On another high note I was also lucky enough to run with retired Olympic medalist Meb and his 3 hour pace group for the first 15 miles!!! A once in a lifetime!!! He won New York in 2012 and Boston in 2014 amongst many other honors. He came out to honor a young boy killed in the Boston bombing. ...
Mothers & Daughters...
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 23:25
ED. On Sunday we received these words from Lynn Overvoorde, who with her daughter Mia, did all four of the YWCA Indoor Tris. On April 8, Lynn did the long event and Mia did the mini.
Hello MTN -- Sorry for not responding earlier to your request. This snow has me disoriented...