
Duathlon Nationals: Kevin Reflects

Kevin O'ConnorKevin O'Connor placed 6th overall / 2nd 35-39M at Duathlon Nationals last weekend. The 2009 US Duathlete of the Year was not satisfied with these results, but as ever, kept smiling. He was philosophical about the experience. These are his comments:

"Du Nationals was run extremely well.And the people in VA are so very polite and nice. "Minnesota Nice" has to be retired.

"The course was as goofy as Worlds.Several turns per

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Colt Preview...

Tri Minnesota SeriesThe 8th annual Chain of Lakes Triathlon will be staged on Saturday, May 1. MTN's Darin Wieneke asked COLT Race Director Mark Storhaug a few questions about his race, which happens to be the Tri Minnesota Series' kickoff event.

MS - None. Any key racing or safety tips that you would like to share with participants? (i.e. particular corner to be wary of, hill to expect, wave conditions, etc...)

1. Could you give us a little history on your race? (i.e. when started, why started, changes in venue/courses over the year, charities involved, etc...)

MS - The COLT was started in 2001 by Alexandria biking enthusiasts that had gotten involved in Pickle Series triathlons. Charities included the Alex Swim Club and Lakes Area Recreation, both provide programming for youth in the area.

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Falls Du Preview...Great Venue & Coffee Too...

The 2nd annual Falls Duathlon will be contested on Saturday (May 1) at Cannon Falls' beauteous Hannah's Bend Park. Sign-ups have significantly surpassed last year's and registration will remain open until shortly before race time. Weather should be accommodating with morning temps around 60 degrees. Yes, there's a small chance of rain (30%) statewide this weekend, but let's assume that we won't see any wet stuff until later in the day, if at all.

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MSU Triathlon - Lady Gaga & Little Debbies...

Via E-mail, MSU Intramural Triathlon's exuberant Director Jennifer Myers tells us about her 6-year old resurrected event. Sunday's race is full.

Dear MTN Readers,

Our triathlon is a great first timer triathlon! Every year I get a range of people; some bike at 25 miles per hour and some ride their brother

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More Alcatraz Stuff...

ALCATRAZ ACCOMPLICES: DKT & Laura Sampsell Hoffman

* Part III of Escape From Alcatraz Coverage

by Darin Wieneke

Over the 29 years that Alcatraz was operated as a federal penitentiary, 36 men were involved in 14 separate unsuccessful escape attempts. One unsuccessful escape attempt was made by John Bayless while on garbage duty on September 14, 1941. While hedid make it into San Francisco Bay on that day, he gave up shortly thereafter due to the cold water.

As MTN does not want any of the brave Minnesotans competing at the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon to be unsuccessful or give up, MTN has enlisted the assistance of Escape From Alcatraz veterans David Thompson (2nd Overall in 2009) and Laura Sampsell Hoffman to answer some questions from first-time Escape artists Gabbe Keller, Jen Martone, David Swanson and myself.

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