
MSU Triathlon - Lady Gaga & Little Debbies...

Via E-mail, MSU Intramural Triathlon's exuberant Director Jennifer Myers tells us about her 6-year old resurrected event. Sunday's race is full.

Dear MTN Readers,

Our triathlon is a great first timer triathlon! Every year I get a range of people; some bike at 25 miles per hour and some ride their brother

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More Alcatraz Stuff...

ALCATRAZ ACCOMPLICES: DKT & Laura Sampsell Hoffman

* Part III of Escape From Alcatraz Coverage

by Darin Wieneke

Over the 29 years that Alcatraz was operated as a federal penitentiary, 36 men were involved in 14 separate unsuccessful escape attempts. One unsuccessful escape attempt was made by John Bayless while on garbage duty on September 14, 1941. While hedid make it into San Francisco Bay on that day, he gave up shortly thereafter due to the cold water.

As MTN does not want any of the brave Minnesotans competing at the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon to be unsuccessful or give up, MTN has enlisted the assistance of Escape From Alcatraz veterans David Thompson (2nd Overall in 2009) and Laura Sampsell Hoffman to answer some questions from first-time Escape artists Gabbe Keller, Jen Martone, David Swanson and myself.

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Liberty Almost Full

As of today - April 28 - only 35 slots remain for the 6th annual Liberty Triathlons (Olympic & Half Iron). Act quickly to assure your spot on the starting line of this great event. WEBSITE

Once the event has filled, a waiting list will be started.

Tony Remembers Thorpe

Tony Schiller comments on the life and passing of Thorpe Running.

Hopefully, there's a silver lining in this news... as much as Thorpe wanted to experience the good things, I know that life was a daily struggle for him in so many ways. I don't know how long he might have been suffering in the end, but certainly, had it not been for the accident he'd still be out there racing and probably a lot like Bobby Powers in the years to come.I remember getting the news of his accident from Daryl and Pam shortly after it happened. If memory serves, they told me at one of our first banquets, probably at the University Club. Perhaps the reason his accident hit me so emotionally was that I'd never made him more than a casual racing acquaintance. Though his fate had nothing to do with me, it stirred something in me that in all those years of seeing Thorpe at races, I'd never paused to truly visit with the man... to have the chance to say that I ran or rode with him. It made me think about all the people in our community that I knew, but didn't really know at all. Having been so consumed with trying to be "the guy" for so long, guys like Thorpe just became part of the backdrop... you saw them and were glad they were there, but hardly ever noticed and reflected on the greater value they brought.

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Women's Tri Clinic Stuff...

YWCA Your First Tri Clinic

If you are aiming for your first tri or could use a few more tips, the YWCA of Minneapolis Endurance Sports department is offering a FREE< clinic, open to the community, to help you put your best tri foot forward. Find out what gear you need and or don't need, clothing recommendations, what to expect on race day, how to make the swim less daunting, how the transition area works, what are the rules, and anything else on your mind!Presentation/Q&A format.Presenters include:

Lydia Novotny (26)
