Cool Tri Bike of the Week
Sunday, 23 May 2010 19:00
This totally cool image, provided by MTN's Darin Wieneke, reminds us is that triathlon is an individual sport and intended to be fun. This lifestyle is for everyone, goshdarnit, not just those who are deadly serious about their performance and their gear.
Here's Darin's report:
Fun In Faribault
The Family Fun Triathlon was held on Saturday in Faribault and it definitely lived up to its name. If you are looking for a fun and casual triathlon to
Other Tri News
Sunday, 23 May 2010 19:00
Pictures Of Brookey
Sunday, 23 May 2010 01:00
Tim Larsen is a very cool guy who doesn't look old enough to have a 32-year-old daughter. He's also got a great sense of humor, likes to take pictures and loves his daughter with all his heart.
Brooke Is 2-For-2 in 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010 23:30
(Photos: Madonna, who wasn't at the race. We don't have a picture of Brooke Larsen yet, though her dad said he'd send us some. If you squint, Brooke and Madonna look an awful lot alike. Well, they both have blonde hair. We'll post pics of Ms. Larsen when they are available. Below - Two-time LBL champ Matt Payne.)
The totally cool and well-produced Land Between the Lakes Triathlon is the first event on our state's annual multisport calendar that features a lake swim. The temps in Fountain Lake have been sub-bath-water-ish during the first five runnings of this race. This morning, however, the water was a quasi-balmy
Doing What They Do Best
Saturday, 22 May 2010 19:00
DKT & CY take Gear West Du crowns--Again.