This Might Be Kinda Cool...
Sunday, 18 July 2010 05:00
Lauren McVey-Harsch Offers a Humorous Look Inside Her Relationship With an Ironman Triathlete.
Mohawks & Yogurt Parfaits..
Saturday, 17 July 2010 11:57
Chaskans Nick Madrinich, with his totally cool Mohawk, which looks nothing like the "Hawk" in the photo,
Wisdom & Italian Shoes...
Saturday, 17 July 2010 04:00
By Bonnie Retifism
Glancing around the room, I chatted excitedly with a few friends about the evening
Locale Flavour...
Friday, 16 July 2010 15:40
Triathlon turns 25
By Brenda Erdahl Staff Writer
Judy Bowdin has competed in every Annandale triathlon in the event's 25-year history except one.
Silver Anniversary Edition...
Friday, 16 July 2010 05:00
Doesn't this cake look like a ginormous cleverly sculpted Little Debbie Zebra Cake? It does to us. Ummmmmmmm. Looks super yummy and totally devoid of nutrition and capable of causing diabetes with just one bite, doesn't it? There's got to gallons of high fructose corn syrup in that sucker!
Excuse us whilst we sop up the saliva off the keyboard.
Well folks, the beloved Heart of the Lakes Triathlon is celebrating its 25th anniversary this weekend. We'd like to recommend that all participants make a special effort--smiles and thank yous are good, hugs are even better--on Sunday to let the race organizers and volunteers know that you appreciate the