
Frightfully Lifelike....

p & BBelieve it or not, the big guy and the big blue cow in the photo here are NOT real. Amazing detail and biological correctitudinousness, huh!

Whoever crafted these totally lifelike replicas of Paul Bunyan (of Brawny Towels fame) and Babe the Blue Ox ("Ox" is Ojibwe for "Big Cow") was a true master of the sculptorial arts. Mike D'Angelo, Ro-Dan and Leonardo Da Caprio--considered by many to be the greatest stone chiselers of all time--got nothing on this guy!

Who is he?....

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Brewhouse Preview...

bich famAfter 14 Bichful years, the Brewhouse Triathlon will be a Bich-Free Zone on Sunday, August 1. It's gonna feel strange.

Since the turn of the century, Duluth family man / college professor / stud triathlete Brian Bich has won 40 races, was named US Master of the Year (2008) and collected nine MMAs, four for Triathlete of the Year. His first of nine victories at Brewhouse was turned in in 1998.

Soft spoken and classy, Brian has been both the face and the soul of this great race. A perfect poster boy, if such a poster were...

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Great Stuff About Waseca...

fire deptWaseca, Minnesota, home of the Waseca 1/3 Iron & Sprint triathlons, is a wonderfully quaint community.

It promulgates its "Old World" charm via the steadfast resistance to all forms of modernization. It's fire department (photo), for instance, looks much the same today as it did in the Lincoln era. Sure, departmental response time is unimpressive and an inordinate number of local homes and businesses have burned down over the decades, not to mention the fact that the streets (cobblestone, of course) are terminally littered with horsey poop, but such is a small price to pay for pastoral charisma.

Continuing the yesteryearish theme, Waseca doesn't have a mayor or city council (but it does have an old fashioned butterfly net-wielding dog catcher!)...

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Brewhouse Goes Bichless...

After 14 Bichful years, the Brewhouse Triathlon will be a Bich-Free Zone on Sunday, August 1. It's gonna feel strange.

Brewhouse Preview will be posted on Thursday morning...BHT WEBSITE

Suzie's Favorite Race..

ywcaJuly 31 Last Day to Register for YWCA Women

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