Growing A Sequoia-Like Legend...
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 03:00
(YndeCam Photo - Trust us. David did not feel as good as he looks here.)
CHISAGO LAKES HALF VII - 4 / 15 / 78. No, we're not talking about the release date for Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life," one of the most insipid tunes to come out of the unfortunate disco era. Okay, some people of a certain age still like that song and may have even seen Debby open for Englebert Humperdinck at Grand Casino - Hinckley. Our intent here is to satirize, not offend.
We digress.
4 / 15 / 78.
Devon's Giant Stones....
Monday, 23 July 2012 02:30
(YndeCam Photo - Two days. Two races. Two wins for Suzie Fox.)
Race Coverage - Devon Palmer is a great triathlete. As a polka-er, well, not so much. But the dude had the heavy stones necessary to give it a try after the 7th annual Chisago Lakes Sprint Triathlon, a race he won in course record time. Told ya he's a great triathlete.
At the post race polka fest, a prize money event that several had registered for, only Devon came forward and agreed to dance with Race Director Gloria West, who totally has her polka do-do together. (She's done this before.) No one else had larger-than-average stones, though Ross Weinzierl was almost talked into it.
Was Devon really that bad, you ask? Well... Yeah. But that's what made it sooooooooooo cool. Way to rock, Dev, on the course and afterward.....
Weekend Racing Stuff...
Sunday, 22 July 2012 02:30
(Photo - Long-time Tri Buds, Nick Madrinich and Kyle Serreyn after totally rockin' in rainy Chaska on Saturday.)
TRI FOR A CAUSE - Brian Sames and repeat champ, Michelle Andres, who crushed her 2011 CR,
Neighborly Espionage....
Saturday, 21 July 2012 02:30
By Bonnie Snoopypants
I never really thought of myself as a trash digger nor have I ever found myself rummaging through my neighbors
Dancing For Dollars..
Friday, 20 July 2012 02:30
(Photo - Polska dancing looks fun, doesn't it? Gotta love the outfits.)
Chisago Sprint VII Preview - Many traditional Swedish dances belong to the Polska family. Who knew, huh? We obtained this information from the Internets, as G.W. once referred to The Web, thus it must be true.
Now, we don't know if a Family named "Polska," e.g. Fred and Ethel Polska from Uppsala, invented these dances, or if these dances are related to the Polish kind that happen at drunken weddings that last three days.
In either case, Gloria West, founder/director of the Chisago Lakes Triathlons, has decided to have a Polka, or Polska, contest for this year's sprint course participants. There's prize money for the best dancers, though how ...