Race Coverage

DKT Does Sweden...

DKT_and_Lars.pngBy Slowtwitch.com (Sept. 12, 2016)

Team Valhalla Racing was the top American team at ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championships but did not finish the race as strong as they started. After emerging from the first and longest swim of the day in the lead, Minnesota-based pro triathlete David Thompson and Slowtwitch’s Lars Finanger matched the pace set by the eventual winners, Lelle Moberg and Daniel Hansson, and the runners-up, Paul Krochak and Oscar Olsson, if only for the first few hours of racing....


The duo learned the hard way ÖTILLÖ is more of a marathon effort than a sprint and finished the race nearly an hour behind the course record setting winners. Here they share the good, the bad and the downright ugly details from this epic Swedish endurance event.

SLOWTWITCH: What is the first thought that pops into your head when you hear the words ‘ÖTILLÖ’ now you have experienced the race?

DAVID THOMPSON: Epic race in the wild amidst fantastic people.

LARS FINANGER: A rollercoaster of a day with an unforgiving course and conditions that will chew you up and spit you out. In the same breath, it’s impossible not to be inspired by the stunning landscape out in the Stockholm Archipelago. READ MORE
