
Lotsa Newsy & Notesy Stuff...


* The following records were broken at the 29th annual Apple Duathlon in Sartell last Saturday:

- DAN HEDGECOCK lowered the men's overall amateur record from 1:23:05 (Patrick Parish in 2010) to 1:21:31

- PAM STEVENS lowered Karen McKeachie's 55-59W mark (1:51:42 - 2009) by 12 seconds. Michigan's McKeachie, like Stevens, is one of American's all-time most decorated amateur females.

- MIKE COLAIZY's 1:40:52 lowered the 60-64M mark set by Californian Dennis Kasischke in '09 by a a hefty 1:29. Mike, who is extraordinarily cute for a man of his vintage, is not very tall as you can see from the photo (L), where he is bracketed by his bodyguards. Colaizy has a morbid fear of someone stealing his wine.

- BEN EWERS's 1:43:11 took a voracious 7:02 bite out of Bob Bailey's 65-69M best, set in 2009....

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Running to a Record...

apple startsMTN is pleased to post journalist Andy Rennecke's great coverage and Kimm Anderson's cool photos of Saturday's Apple Duathlon. This story appeared in Sunday's St. Cloud Times.)

By Andy Rennecke (sctimes.com)


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Alex's Words....

alexThe Tri Rises in the Southeast

By Alex Hooke

If you are visiting this website, you are well aware of the stellar triathlon scene in Minnesota. If you live in the Twin Cities, there is a multisport race within an hour

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Dan Hedgecock is Really Really Fast...

dan(SCtimes.com's Kimm Anderson photo - Dan Hedgecock winning the 29th Apple Duathlon.)

Apple Duathlon Stuff - It was one of the most seriously anti-social performances you're likely to witness, Chrissie Wellington's IM efforts notwithstanding. Leading from mat to mat, Daniel Hedgecock was clearly not interested in matching strides or pedal strokes with his elite peers at today's Apple Duathlon. A minute ahead of the field entering T1, his lead coming out of T2 had more than doubled. He arrived at the finish line with his nearest challenger, Brooks Grossinger, four minutes in arrears. In the history of this course, only four times were faster. And each of those clockings were turned in by first-tier pro David Thompson. Hedgecock's final 1:21:31 axed a full 1:34 off

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