
Bard Loving 'Shroom Picker....

tiffGoing Off Course - Have you ever hiked gaspingly to the top of what you thought was a pointy-top mountain and discovered that it didn't really have a pointy top? Talk about disappointment! guy

When Twin Citizen triathlete Tiffany Storms (photo L) arrived at the top of Mount Normandale, the least-publicized member of Colorado's 14,000+ foot Collegiate Peaks (the others are Mt. Harvard, Mt. Oxford, Mt. Stanford, Mt. Columbia and Mt. Yale), she found that there was enough room up there to park a couple of rock star tour buses. She had hoped to be able to balance on the point for a full minute, sorta like the guy in the photo (R), which she later learned wasn't real. (The guy was Photoshopped into the pic. If you enlarge the shot you'll be able to see a rock star tour bus parked alongside the heel of his left foot.)

A few years have passed and Tiffany, who is very, very pretty and looks great in an Ironman beanie, can finally laugh about her dispiriting mountain adventure....

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Too Cool Not to Do...


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Triathlon Legs Are Good...

legslegslegsED. We filched this motivating story and images from Craig Alexander's Facebook page.

A new study called, "Chronic Exercise Preserves Lean Muscle Mass in Masters Athletes," which you can read HERE graphically illustrates what happens to your muscles (with and without) the type of regular and beneficial exercise that the sport of triathlon provides....

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Racing For Fun & Cinn-A-Stacks....

bikesOptumHealth Performance Indoor Tri #1 - A research study at a semi-prestigious community college in Nickeragwah (phonetic spelling), wherein nine people were interviewed, proved conclusively that ONLY COOL PEOPLE BECOME TRIATHLETES.

Truer gibberish was never spoken, and the findings of that groundbreaking study were echoed loudly on Sunday at the inaugural Optumhealth Performance Indoor Tri, which launched the 2012 OHP Indoor Series. Only cool people were there.

Like who, you ask?

* Well, let's start with Trisha, 15, from Prior Lake, who is as cute as a button. She rides a Cervelo, which means that her parents are doing okay financially. Lately, she's been bugging her mom, who is very, very...

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Rising Star...

lindseyStar Events opens North American office and names new General Manager

January 20 - Star Events owned by Star Production SARL and Star Events USA announce their selection of Lindsey Kurhajetz to fulfill the new position of General Manager for the North American development, branding and operations of the TriStar Series and GranFondo USA cycling events. Under the direction of Star Events Board Member Brett Craig and Chief Operating Officer Olivier Castelli, Kurhajetz

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