Todd's Return...
Saturday, 05 May 2012 02:30
By Todd Firebaugh
I signed up for the du nationals in large part due to friendships that my wife Daisy and I forged with the Vargas
Silly Mistakes & Bad Mojo...
Friday, 04 May 2012 02:30
(Photo - Claire napping in her deluxe oceanfront accommodations.)
By Claire Bootsma
St. Anthony's Race Report - Heading out to St. Petersburg FL (St. Anthony's Triathlon) this past weekend I had some basic goals I was confident I would achieve (qualifying for Hy-Vee with comp entry by placing top 5) and some personal race goals which involved putting myself out there in the race and trying to do something really fast with a stellar field of women to race with. Unfortunately I failed on all fronts due to a mixture of a little bad luck and a huge silly mistake.
Race morning woke up early, ate my standard pre race breakfast and drank a small cup of coffee and headed down to race site. Once I started setting up in transition I realized I had forgotten to pack an extra bottle of water to drink before the race and only had my bike bottle of Accelerade which I wanted...
COLT XI Stuff....
Thursday, 03 May 2012 02:30
COLT Preview - The Chain of Lakes Triathlon, aka "COLT," is about to launch into it's second decade on Saturday. Cool, huh!
That's right, this will be the 11th edition of the annual Tri Minnesota Series kick-off event. The weather on May 5 in "Alex," short for Alexandria, is expected to be breezy with highs in the mid-60s. The UV index should be "5" and the moon on the evening before the race should be "Waxing Gibbous," whatever the hell that means. Temps should be in the low 50s at the start, and as they say here in Minnesota, "you could do a lot worse."
For those of you who haven't done this fine event before, it consists of a 600 yard pool swim at Discovery Middle School, followed by a 13 mile bike ride in the rolling hinterlands, and concluding with a 2.8 mile run on paved trails and residential streets....
Smilin' Dan's Excellent Race...
Tuesday, 01 May 2012 05:30
Fantastic photo by Paul Phillips / CompetitiveImage.us *
Race Coverage - St. Anthony