The Purpose of the Off-Season...
Saturday, 29 November 2014 00:10
“Resuming training too early is much like pulling an onion out of the garden and realizing it is not yet fully grown. One cannot put it back in and expect more growth!”
- Peter Coe (Coach of middle distance legend Sebastian Coe)
By Al Couzens (xtri.com)
The off-season or transitional period is probably the least understood training phase of the annual plan. Athletes vary widely in their interpretation of what the purpose of the off season is, and indeed if an off-season is needed at all. The “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality is all too prevelant among the type A Ironman world. It is my opinion that this is a grave mistake and a mistake that can fundamentally limit the expression of your long term athletic potential....
They'll Be Back...
Friday, 28 November 2014 00:10
By Renee Richardson (brainerddispatch.com)
TEMPE, Ariz. - The day ended earlier than either Gary Walters or Josh Heldt wanted Sunday.
The pre-dawn start and descent down metal stairs into Tempe Town Lake to begin the 11th Ironman competition in Tempe, Ariz. had both men nervous.
As Walters approached the water, he repeated: "I'm terrified." But down the steps he went to join about 2,800 other people who planned to test their bodies, their minds and their wills. While their day ended earlier than either hoped, it could have ended before it really started if they hadn't found something in themselves to overcome their fears. Both men powered through early nerves and a panicky start as they swam to the starting line....
Indoor Intervals & "Girl Talk"....
Thursday, 27 November 2014 00:10
By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)
Nick and I squeezed in one last outdoor ride on November 2, just a few days before winter appeared and the temp plummeted to 17 degrees (I’m already questioning our sanity for living here another winter).
And, with temps like that, it can only mean one thing…
Trainer time.
I know I may be oddball out here, but after spending a LOT of time on the trainer last winter (50+ days of subzero temps… oof), I really started to enjoy it. Focusing on all the watts and some loud music (Girl Talk!) helped, too :)
Also making the trainer more bearable: Having a specific workout. Intervals are your friend when you’re in the saddle and not moving anywhere! ...
Drool-Worthy Holiday Fare...
Wednesday, 26 November 2014 00:10
12 Dishes That Should be on Your Thanksgiving Table...
By Fit Gingersnap (Sean Cooley's Hottie Girlfraulein - photo R)
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Holidays can be overwhelming, don’cha think? I’m not even cooking a turkey dinner (thanks older brother and sis-in-law and your maturity and expertise and fabulous newly built house!) and I’m overwhelmed. If you love food like me, you’ve been dreaming up the perfect feast for a few odd months and because you’ve been planning since, oh, late August, you just keep adding to your list until you have 1,339 things to make and no time or kitchen space to do it. That’s why I pass on my ideas to my sis-in-law and hopefully, she’ll go to town! She’s a fabulous cook anyhow, but maybe some of my ideas will make their way to the table.
Anyhooters, I’m here to overwhelm you even more because I’m sure with all the holiday recipes you’ve been gathering you seriously need at least 12 more.
A "Gutsy" Performance...
Tuesday, 25 November 2014 00:10
By Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)
IRONMAN ARIZONA RACE REPORT - Here’s the unabridged version:
I had such a great build and prep for this race. In hindsight, likely too perfect and I just didn’t develop that nervousness that usually gets all my systems revved up and ready for race day (including my gut)!! I was simply so happy and at peace with the blessings around me, but in reality, this is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.
The days leading up to the race felt relatively smooth, everything was on plan and I remained confident that I was well prepared for the race. No anxiety or nervousness, just eager to finally get out there and see what the day had in store. I typically don’t share race goals so publicly before an event, but this time I felt ready and was simply too excited to hold it in. Maybe Mother Nature didn’t appreciate those athletes confidently announcing their target times, and as a result she greeted us with her mighty blow on race day. As I announced in my previous post, I was...