Olympic Excellence...
Wednesday, 19 November 2014 00:10
For amateur men, breaking 2-hours in an Olympic distance race is a big deal. Similarly, breaking 2:15 is a big whup for most amateur women. In 2014, at least nine Minnesota men and ten Minnesota women accomplished these goals. For the guys, Matt Payne managed to crack the 120-minute mark on three occasions. For the gals, Heather Lendway broke the 115 mark, actually the 110, on each of her four starts at the 1.5-40-10 distance. Her 2:05:06 at AG Nationals was the fastest Olympic time by a US female amateur last season.
Check out the list:
FASTEST OLYMPIC TIMES 2014 – Sub 2-Hour Men. Sub-2:15 Women
Ryan Bailey – 1:54:57 @ Life Time - Oceanside
Matthew Payne – 1:55:51 @ Buffalo
Matthew Payne – 1:56:04 @ USAT Nationals
Marcus Stromberg – 1:57:32 @ USAT Nationals (photo L)...
Team Minnesota: More Then & Now Stuff...
Tuesday, 18 November 2014 00:10
Team Minnesota Throwback - Part II - Yesterday we posted six childhood photos of women who made Team Minnesota this year: Heather Lendway, Dani Fischer, Cathy Yndestad, Suzie Fox, Elaine Nelson, Kortney Haag, Diane Hankee, Nicole Heininger, Christina Roberts and Bridget McCoy.)We encouraged everyone to guess who's who. It's much harder than you'd think. And it's a lot of fun and a total hoot. If you haven't participated yet, go back to yesterday's post and make your pics, but not before you guess who the five girls in these photos grew up to be. FYI, shot of pro Ruth Brennan Morrey is also included....
Team Minnesota Throwback...
Monday, 17 November 2014 00:10
By Suzie Fox
Now that the Minnesota multi-sport season is over it is time to stop competing against each other and have a little fun together. With a little help from the women of Team Minnesota 2014, I have put together a Women's Team Minnesota Throwback....
Minnesotans Tackle Ironman Arizona...Updated..Updated Again...
Sunday, 16 November 2014 09:33
Monday -
- CATHY YNDESTAD - 4th female amateur overall - 2nd 35-39W - 56:24-5:21:29-3:42:39 - 10:05:52
- STEPHANIE PETERSON - 1:15:16 - 6:27:08 - 4:06:20 - 11:59:43
- SCOTT HEDIN - 1:35:20 - 7:46:06 - 6:38:37 - 16:14:45
4:15 PM (MST) - While CY did not achieve her goal of breaking 10-hours, she came dang close. MTN congratulates her on her 10:05:52, which lowered her 2007 PR (Florida) by seven minutes.
Ultimately, Cathy placed 3rd overall among the amateur women, with Chicago's Amanda Wendorff prevailing in 9:59:34, and 52-year-old former Olympic marathoner Colleen De Reuck of Boulder, Colorado. We believe that the RSA transplant's 10:04:45 is the fastest IM time ever by a 50-plusser.
1:00 PM - Yndestad and Wendorff come off the bike together. Two miles into the run Wendorff pulls ahead, but not by much. Here's the breakdown so far: CY - S - 56:24 - B - 5:21:27 / Wendorff - S - 59:02 - B- 5:19:06.
11:40 AM (MST) - As expected, CY is being challenged by fellow Midwesterner Amanda Wendorff (Chicago). These women are evenly matched at long distance. Cathy's lead at 90 miles is about 40-seconds. Wendorff is highly motivated after her DNF at Kona. She is also a strong runner....
Off Week. Not a Week Off...
Saturday, 15 November 2014 00:10
By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)
Like I mentioned in my last post, I hadn’t taken a week off of swimming yet, so very last minute on the way to the gym two Mondays ago I decided it was time for an “off week” at the pool. I changed up my normal routine to give myself a break from the usual grind, no worrying about speed or times just swim. Mostly I was trying to keep a decent base so you’ll see the true distance swimmer in me came out as my sets were long, repetitive and what some may consider boring. That said, you still might see some bits and pieces you’d like to try and add to your workouts. Check out what I did: