
Stuff About Ankle Sprains...

KIM-MAIN.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

What Should I Do After an Ankle Sprain?

Spraining an ankle or “rolling” an ankle is one of the most common sports injuries. It is possible to sprain the ankle by cutting or changing direction sharply. There are varying degrees of ankle sprains which range from mild Grade 1 sprains to severe Grade 3 sprains which result in ligament tearing. Rolling an ankle can also result in fractures to the bones of the ankle. When an ankle sprain occurs the athlete may have to immediately stop or may be able to continue, depending on the severity. If the...

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Is Your Bike Fitter Full of Do-Do?

bikefit70best.gifBy Tom Demerly (tomdemerly.com)

Bike fitting is big business. Having some version of “professional” bike fitting is the new standard for any bike sold above $1000.

How do you tell if your bike fitter knows what they’re doing? Are they a credible, trained, experienced fitter or just repeating buzzwords in a kind of bike fit “theater” learned in a weeklong clinic under the guise of years of experience fitting athletes during the evolution of bike fitting?

Here are ten checkpoints to assess the credibility of your bike fitter:

1. Do They Ride? The Way You Do?  ...

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Thanking Mother Earth....

ED. A few days ago we received this letter from Dr. Brett Oden, founder of the Buffalo Triathlon and the exciting new Bertram Blast Off-Road Tri:
MTN Guys,
Did you know the "average" person produces 2 lbs of carbon dioxide per day? And of course we know triathletes and Minnesotatrinews.com readers are far above average....

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Results and Other Stuff...

Kris-award.gifFLORIDA 70.3 - Two Minnesotans and a former one turned in fine efforts at Florida 70.3 last weekend:

- Brian Sames, 30 (now living in Chicago area) - 12th overall / 5th 30-34M AG - 4:19:27

- Kris Kolenz, 51, Duluth - 2nd 50-53W AG - 5:26:53 (Award photo L)

- Jessica Rossing, 30, Duluth - 11th 30-34W - 5:12:53


TEXAS 70.3 UPDATE - On Monday, the day after the race, the women's amateur results were amended. It turns out that Rochester's Dani Vsetecka placed 2nd overall, not 1st as originally published. The official winner is Chelsea Tiner, 28, of Dallas, whose 4:31:39 proved to be 1:15 faster than Dani's clocking.

We researched Tiner's tri history. She's a talented athlete with lots of long course experience. Her Texas effort was a 70.3 personal best. Her IM best came in a 2nd place (amateur) effort at Louisville in 2013. Her time there was 10:18:04....

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"Don't Be Lame"....

fall-D-logo.gifFALLS DUATHLON PREVIEW - The 8th edition of this totally cool Final Stretch event will kick off Minnesota's 2016 outdoor duathlon season in bucolic Cannon Falls on April 30. Timing geek Andrew, recently married and sporting a gnarly handlebar 'stache, sent us a list of entrants yesterday and we were impressed. With 250ish folks already signed up and another 50-or-so anticipated, the race could have a record turnout.

Though we expect several elite athletes, e.g. Devon Palmer, Bennett Isabella, Chad Millner, Joe Johnson, Suzie Fox, Diane Hankee, Jenn Scudiero etc., to sign up in the coming weeks, a few decorated folks have already registered....

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