
Dreaded Questions...

suzie-and-stephen.gifBy Lisa Dolbear (ironman.com)

Oh, October. That wonderful time of the year when most triathletes begin the off season and take some time to rest and do something other than swim, bike or run. Chances are, your arms and legs aren’t the only things that are tired—if you’ve been on the multisport scene for any length of time, you’re also likely tired of hearing the peanut gallery chime in with some of these common questions and declarations. Here's how to respond. Just remember to be nice.

1. "All you ever do is work out, don't you have a life?"
Why yes, I do. Nothing makes me MORE alive than bringing back childhood through swimming, biking and running while enhancing them with the competitive spirit....

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Bold Predictions....

DKT-and-HL.gifPhoto - David and Heather at last weekend's Major League Triathlon Series opener in Tempe, Texas.

In last Thursday's post we predicted that Heather Lendway would be one of eight female pros to take home a paycheck next Sunday at St. Anthony's Triathlon in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Today we are going to make another prediction. We think that David Thompson, a perennial St. A's participant, will also earn some money, something he's done there on four prior occasions.

DKT's best finish at this star-studded race is an 8th, which he did in 2007, and 2009 as well. He'll need to match that to make money on Sunday....

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Minnesota's Multisporter Marathoners...

elieen-b.gif2016 BOSTON MARATHON - A gazillion Minnesotans ran the oldest and most venerated marathon in the world last Monday. A significant percentage of them are, or were, triathletes. For grins, the MTN Guys scoured the list of finishers for the names of the Minnesota multisporters we recognized. We stopped at 4:30, the finishing time, not the time of day, because our fingers were all tapped out. Here are those athletes and their clockings.

Triathletes, if your name is not on this list, please use the COMMENT feature at the bottom of the page to let us know.

Congrats to all the Minnesotans who ran in Beantown on April 18.


- OMAR AWAD, 47, Shoreview - 2:59:56

- CHERI BATES, 44, Sauk Rapids - 4:14:46 ...

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Matt Hanson is a Fast Guy!


Did you know that MATT HANSON, one of America's premier long distance triathletes, is from Minnesota originally? Now 30, Matt grew up in West Concord, a tiny village east of Owatonna. He left his ancestral home to attend Buena Vista University in Storm Lake in northwestern Iowa. He lives there still.
Looking at his website, we learned that he is a totally cool guy. He loves tacos, pepperoni pizza and Tom Petty, three things that only cool people like. He became a triathlete in 2011 and made his pro debut at Ironman Arizona in 2013....

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Fighting Negative Thoughts....

jess-miami.gifBy Jessica Rossing (JessicaRossing.com)

Life Time Tri - South Beach - Another season has officially kicked off and another race is in the books.

I always love Miami because of its flare and energy. It's a great time to get away from winter and feel the warmth of the sun again.

I love this race because it's a great way to get back at it after the off season and helps you figure out where you are in your training.

We had great conditions. It was overcast and cool. So overcast that the race started about 15-20 minutes late due to such little sunlight over the ocean. The day before it had been over 90 degrees so this cloudy cool day was very welcomed....

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