Stuff About Ankle Sprains...

KIM-MAIN.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

What Should I Do After an Ankle Sprain?

Spraining an ankle or “rolling” an ankle is one of the most common sports injuries. It is possible to sprain the ankle by cutting or changing direction sharply. There are varying degrees of ankle sprains which range from mild Grade 1 sprains to severe Grade 3 sprains which result in ligament tearing. Rolling an ankle can also result in fractures to the bones of the ankle. When an ankle sprain occurs the athlete may have to immediately stop or may be able to continue, depending on the severity. If the...

athlete is going to continue, their shoe should be left on to help keep the swelling down. If the athlete is unable to continue playing, the PRICE protocol should be utilized as soon as possible. This will help to minimize the swelling and aid in the athlete’s healing. After a sprain, it is important to determine whether or not imaging is necessary to rule out a fracture. If the athlete is unable to put weight on the ankle, they will likely need an x-ray. With anything but the mildest sprains, the athlete should be examined by a trained sports medicine professional who can make a determination about whether or not an x-ray is necessary.

Once a fracture has been ruled out, there is a lot which can be done to help the process along. The PRICE protocol should be followed for at least 48-72 hours or until the swelling is gone. To help keep the joint mobile, pain free range of motion exercises should be performed. It is important to remember that should be done in a pain-free range. To do this simply pretend the end of your foot is a pen and use it to write the alphabet out in the air, remembering to keep the range of motion pain free. Once the ankle starts to improve and the patient can bear weight with no pain, it is important to regain the balance in that ankle and re-teach the stabilizing muscles how to do their job. To do this simply balance on the injured foot. This can be made progressively more difficult by placing a folded towel under the foot and then balancing on it, the more towel under the foot, the harder this will be. This will help to prevent recurrent ankle sprains which are a common problem. With many ankle sprains it may be important to seek care as the muscles are strained while the joint be being sprained. The healing time of an ankle sprain can be shortened by utilizing manual therapies and other modalities. At Premier Sports and Spine Center, I strive to give our patients the most comprehensive care available. Visit our Sports Rehabilitation Center or Contact me today if you have any questions.

Dr. Michael Williams DC, CCSP, CSCS, FMT, GT
