Weekend Boxscore...Updated...Again...
Sunday, 14 August 2016 05:10
WINGMAN - On Sunday, masters star CHAP ACHEN, 47, won this event for the fourth time, outdistancing his closest rival, talented teen GARRETT WELSCH, by 3:08. MORGAN BAKER won the women's competition. The event celebrated its 8th anniversary. RESULTS
STEELEHEAD 70.3 - MTN congratulates Lino Lakes' DIANE HANKEE (photo L) and Chanhassen's ANGELA KIDD for placing 3rd and 4th overall in the women's 70.3 in Benton Harbor, Michigan this morning. Diane's time was 4:41:36; Angela's was 4:42:40. RESULTS
YWCA WOMEN'S TRI - As in 2015, HEATHER LENDWAY (pro winner), CHRISTINA ROBERTS (amateur winner) and LISA LENDWAY comprised the overall podium this morning at this annual classic. 855 women finished the race. RESULTS
NORTH MANKATO TRIATHLON - Lakeville's JOYCE BOURASSA, 48, appears to be on her way to garning another Master of the Year nomination. The 2002 MInnesota ...
Prolotherapy Might Be For You...
Saturday, 13 August 2016 23:10
ED. Prolotherapy may not work for everyone, but one of the MTN Guys is still running today because of it.
By Susan Lacke (triathlon.competitor.com)
Athletes are turning to injections of plasma and sugar to heal injuries.
For Jennie Hansen, prolotherapy was a Hail Mary. While sidelined with a severe high hamstring injury, the professional triathlete had endured chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage and injections of anti-inflammatory medications. Nothing was working...
"Like Getting Irate at a Koala"...
Friday, 12 August 2016 23:10
ED. Must have been wicked hot at NATIONALS in Omaha today. We'll have words and pics on Monday. RESULTS
Brooks Grossinger became a 12-time NORTHWOODS winner this morning. Yes, he broke the 1-hour mark, but so did Casey Miller. Mata Agre topped the women's field. Words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS
By Jason Gay (wjs.com)
Of all our wacky and agitated 21st century culture wars, the most ridiculous and unnecessary, to me, is Bike Haters vs. Bike Lovers.
Look: I get that not everyone rides a bicycle, owns a bicycle, or showers with a bicycle (what, you don’t shower with a bicycle? It’s cleansing and delightful!), but the frothing and vitriol directed at cycling seems so disproportionate to the activity. Freaking out at your price-gouging cable TV company? Sure. Air travel? Absolutely. But bicycling? Come on. It’s like getting irate at a koala.
To be fair, what irritates the public is not bicycles, but bicyclists. Here, many people have anecdotes, sometimes years old, which can be vividly recalled at town meetings, bike lane hearings and in the...
Whatever it Takes...
Thursday, 11 August 2016 23:10
By Aimee Berg (usatriathlon.org)
Gwen Jorgensen knew it. She just didn't want to believe it.
So she shouted to a rider with a better view.
“Do I have a flat?”
“Are you sure? You need to be sure!” she urged.
“Yes! You have a flat.”
So, roughly 40 minutes into her Olympic debut, she stopped, ejected her rear wheel, and swapped it for another while a half-dozen people passed her. She would later discover that a tiny piece of glass had split her tire....
"I Learned Some Valuable Lessons"...
Wednesday, 10 August 2016 23:10
By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlike.com)
Toughman Race Report - I went into Toughman Minnesota 70.3 with a fair amount of mental and physical stress. I won’t go into detail about the mental stress other than to say that I think it dulled my mental edge a bit. And, as for the physical stress, well… though the few days leading up to the race were chill, the weekend prior consisted of both a long run on Saturday and a pretty wicked 90-mile ride + t-run that ended at 9p Sunday night. That’s the first and last time that happens! ...