"Like Getting Irate at a Koala"...

cycle-art.gifED. Must have been wicked hot at NATIONALS in Omaha today. We'll have words and pics on Monday. RESULTS

Brooks Grossinger became a 12-time NORTHWOODS winner this morning. Yes, he broke the 1-hour mark, but so did Casey Miller. Mata Agre topped the women's field. Words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS

By Jason Gay (wjs.com)

Of all our wacky and agitated 21st century culture wars, the most ridiculous and unnecessary, to me, is Bike Haters vs. Bike Lovers.

Look: I get that not everyone rides a bicycle, owns a bicycle, or showers with a bicycle (what, you don’t shower with a bicycle? It’s cleansing and delightful!), but the frothing and vitriol directed at cycling seems so disproportionate to the activity. Freaking out at your price-gouging cable TV company? Sure. Air travel? Absolutely. But bicycling? Come on. It’s like getting irate at a koala.
To be fair, what irritates the public is not bicycles, but bicyclists. Here, many people have anecdotes, sometimes years old, which can be vividly recalled at town meetings, bike lane hearings and in the...

comments sections of articles like this one. Stories like the nefarious cyclist who rode the wrong way on a one-way street. The bike doofus on the sidewalk who nearly rode over Pinky, the neighbor’s adorable French bulldog. The Spandex lunatic who pulled up to your car at a stoplight, condemned your driving, used some colorful language and gave you the finger.

Koalas do not do that kind of thing. If you know a koala bear that can give a driver the finger, you need to meet new koalas.

