Race Coverage

"I Learned Some Valuable Lessons"...

14_chisago.pngBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlike.com)

Toughman Race Report - I went into Toughman Minnesota 70.3 with a fair amount of mental and physical stress. I won’t go into detail about the mental stress other than to say that I think it dulled my mental edge a bit. And, as for the physical stress, well… though the few days leading up to the race were chill, the weekend prior consisted of both a long run on Saturday and a pretty wicked 90-mile ride + t-run that ended at 9p Sunday night. That’s the first and last time that happens!  ...


Am I satisfied with my performance at Toughman? Hmm… yes and no. I have plenty to sharpen between now and Kona, but you know what? Any day you toe a start line and cross a finish line is a good day! I learned some value lessons and am really hungry to race again. Onward!


I was oddly nervous during the drive to Chisago. My stomach wouldn’t stop turning – until I realized about 20 minutes out that I forgot my bike shoes. Thankfully Nick’s mom hadn’t left yet, so she picked them up with time to spare. Thank you, Mary!

Pre-race felt like a bit of a rush. I picked up my packet, got body marked, set up my transition spot (super close to bike in + out), talked to a few friends who were racing, and did a swim warm-up, all in maybe 35 minutes? But, that’s the beauty of a local race… rush in and out and ready to go!

SWIM // 35:09, 1:40/100 yd

A steamy week leading up to the race meant it was non-wetsuit legal. I’d been on the fence about wearing a wetsuit anyway – full sleeves have been claustrophobic lately – so was thrilled to hear this. And, it was a great chance to test out my ROKA swimskin, which made for a super comfortable swim (for anyone wondering, I wore my Coeur 3/4-sleeve aero top underneath, unzipped and around my waist… worked great!).  READ MORE

