Slower Runners Live Longer....
Thursday, 24 November 2016 23:10
By Caitlyn Pilkington (womensrunning.competitor.com)
Here’s some food for thought: the slower you run, the longer you live.
That’s a finding from a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, which concluded that people who run on a regular basis—consistently, but slowly—have a longer lifespan than those who are out pushing it to the line every time. The people who...
Happy Thanksgiving From MTN...
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 23:10
"You Gotta Love to Train"...
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 23:10
By Mike Buenting (mikebuenting.wordpress.com)
This morning Pro-Triathlete Andy Potts posted something about how you need to love to train.
It said; “Love to train, Everyone loves to race. You gotta love to train. The daily quest for self improvement and the constant drive knowing that you can and will get better.”
That quote simply made me come alive!! Because as many of us I love to race I truly love all about racing. Seeing my friends in transition, the excitement and thrill of competition and that taste of success!
But in order for us to expierence all of those things we must train and we must find passion and love in training. The no glory hours spent in your...
"This is Hard. But I Can do it."...
Monday, 21 November 2016 23:10
By Dani Vsetecka (4iowasisters.blogspot.com)
Miami 70.3 Race Report - It’s always easier to write a race report for a race where everything clicks. But all races - especially the tough ones - provide an opportunity for growth and are just as important to reflect on. Ironman Miami 70.3 was an incredible experience and a lot of fun, but I definitely feel like I left behind some unfinished business.
First a little background. Following a half-marathon PR in June at the Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon in Duluth (easily one of the best race experiences ever) and the Rochesterfest Road Mile less than a week later (easily one of the worst race experiences ever), I found myself faced with stress fracture number six....
My First DNF...
Sunday, 20 November 2016 23:10
By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)
RACINE 70.3 RACE REPORT - 1. About 30 minutes before race start they told us not to walk down the beach to the swim start. We were soon told the race would be delayed until at least 9:30 and to go seek shelter due to an incoming storm. While this was unfortunate I can say that the storm was intense with torrential downpours and I was happy not to be out on the bike when that rolled in.
2. The race was changed to a duathlon, completely cutting the swim, a bike shortened to 31.5 miles and the full run and we’d start at 10:20. I had gone back to my hotel to stay...