Race Previews

Patience & Gratitude...

book.gifPart II - Rookie Pro Lessons 6-10

By Ruth Brennan Morrey


6) Stop reading triathlon magazines.  I admit, it can be fun to read triathlon magazines and articles. We invest a lot of time and energy into our sport so it can be appealing to read what others are doing, read about new nutrition fads, and seek seemingly novel information.  I’ve learned that any advice/fad that claim to make you stronger, fitter, faster is probably interest driven hype.  I was to blame too—and would compare myself to others.  “Am I doing enough?” was always my question.

Upon checking things out with my science driven coach, I received this answer, ...

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Do the Work. And Don't Worry...


By Ruth Brennan Morrey


Ten LIght Hearted Lessons I learned in First Pro Year.

During my first year racing as a professional triathlete, lessons were plentiful—a new coach, training with power, racing internationally, were all a part of my growth and increased experience. By no means do I have it all figured out as triathlon, and life, is always a work in progress. Here is a lighthearted glimpse of what I learned last year.  


1) Train with power, if you can.  Last year was my first year training with power.  I didn’t anticipate just how important power based training would be until I started using the tool.  You hear this all the time. Of course, power meters are not essential to get to the finish line, but coupled with strategy and common sense “feel”, it ...

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Brian's Plans...

artwork.gifED. Brian Sames was the runner-up for 2012 Minnesota Rookie of the Year and winner of the 2013 Male Most Improved award. Last week he sent MTN his tentative 2014 racing schedule. Check it out. Also, we found this awesome pic (L) on Brian's FB page. It doesn't have anything to do with this post, but we thought it was too cool not to share.


Hey MTN,
First off its great to hear from you and I hope everything is going well. As for me, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with training and with the weather being as chilly as it is, I’ve been swimming and biking much more than I ever had and definitely looking forward to getting the season started....

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New Bikinis & Weekend Doubles...

Dog-Beach.gif(Photo - Suzy and Marta and some exotic animals.)
Hi MTN Guys!!!
I've only registered for two races for 2014 and am going to keep it that way through April. This will be the first year I have ever done two Ironmans in one season so I will wait and see how I recover after IM Cabo on March 30 while paying close attention to both my body and my training build up for IM Wisconsin this fall as well.  
2014 Race Schedule
Ironman Cabo San Lucas - I'm not going to lie, I am equally as excited for the beachfront villa our group is renting and the new bikini I just bought as I am for the race :-) This IM will be extra special because two of my favorite people,...

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PP & Jenn Check In...


Two more of our state's top multisporters have responded to MTN's request concerning their 2014 race schedules. Patrick Parish (photo above) did not reveal his tri/du calendar, but he told us what he has been up to lately, which made us totally envious: ...

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David's Plans...

dkt.gifMTN has contacted the members of Team Minnesota 2013 and requested that they share their 2014 Racing Schedules. Today, we're giving you a glimpse of David Thompson's multisport plans.

Thompson, a pro since 2004, has been our state's all-time winningest triathlete. He's a prolific racer and his '14 calendar tells us that he hopes to race between 20 to 30 times. Whoa! And while he will participate in numerous national and international events, like St. Anthony's, the Rev 3 Series, Escape from Alcatraz  and the Hy-Vee 5150 Champs, he will also compete locally at such events as the Oakdale and Apple Dus, Trinona, Lake Minnetonka and Chisago Half. New races on his regional clanedar include New Bri, the Park Tool Du and, possibly, the Outland Challenge.

MTN encourages any Minnesota multisport athlete who ....

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