Race Coverage

Shared Adventures & Salty Balls...

jh and cy-2
Leadman Love

By Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)

Race Report - I’ve been a huge fan of the Leadman race concept and brand since its infancy in 2011. I missed the very first race (I was still in a shoulder sling), but I’ve raced in every Leadman event since-Vegas 125, Bend 250, Bend 125, Tempe 125. Each deserving their own background story, but I’ll spare you all that history. Basically the Leadman concept is long swim, longer bike and shorter run with the intention of preserving the body while still providing athletes with an epic long distance event challenge. And you get a fancy belt buckle for meeting specific time standards!  ....

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Road Trippin' Womanfriend...

practicing.gifRedneck Crazy, exploits from a marathon in Arkansas

By Angie Hop

“I’m gonna lean my headlights into your bedroom window, and throw empty beer cans at both of your shadows, I didn’t come here to start a fight, but I’m up for anything tonight, you’ve gone and broke the wrong heart baby, and drove me redneck crazy” – Tyler Farr (country and western singer)

In early March I partook in a marathon which was a vacation arrived by participating in a road trip with a destination of Arkansas. Yes, I said Arkansas.   The definitions as labeled by the Urban Dictionary are listed below:  ....

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Dave Thomes is Very Tall....

deb-and-matt.gif(Photo - Deb Roberts & Matt Radniecki)

By Matt Radniecki

Hey MN Tri guys!

With the help and support of Lakes Area Multisport, the Brainerd Family YMCA just wrapped up the last of its three part indoor tri series. The series brought in 41 participants that took part in one, two, or three of the indoor events.

As a recap, the first race took place on February 2 with all the participants covering as much ground as they could in a 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike, and 20 minute run. This race drew 9 participants with likely  ...

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Sunscreen & Buckles...

az-gang.gifBy Julie Hull

RACE REPORT - Lifetime fitness did a fab job again with this Leadman Tempe race. For holding 3 distances they do a great job with individualizing the three distances but leveraging the shared course. We've done all of the Leadman 125k/250k distances (except the first yr in Vegas) and enjoyed this race as much as the others.

Erik and I had an "off" season last yr and found renewed energy for SBR as 2013 season came to close. I changed some things up in the off season to keep things fresh, but had this tri on the radar since the start of the yr.

Tempe was a balmy 85+ degrees and I knew hydration was a key factor. I planned on using UCAN during the race and in a new endurance fueling...

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Queen of the Leadman Series...

LT-Tempe.gifCATHY YNDESTAD kicked off her 2014 multisport season with a big victory at Leadman Epic 125 - Tempe last Sunday. The win was, according to our records, the 66th of a stellar multisport career that began in 2003. Her margin of victory was 3:36 over Victoria Burke. If our research is correct, Burke is an Olympic caliber rower originally from Connecticut, who is relatively new to triathlon. In her first race this season she won the Arroyo Grande Olympic Triathlon, wherein she outraced former USAT AOY nominee (and current pro) Lauren Capone.

Our point is this: CY beat some fast women.

Cathy raced at LM-Tempe in 2013, too. She finished 2nd (amateur) then. Her time was 4:55:00. This year's time was 4:55:37. We suspect that it was hot (high 80s) and windy in the Valley of the Sun last weekend.....

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Resilience is a Choice...

ruth-headshot.gifBy Ruth Brennan Morrey


Following Panama 70.3 in February, Texas 70.3 was destined to be my second race of my second pro season. High hopes for a podium placing existed as recent performances and training data were telling me that I was pretty darn strong at this point in the early season.  Over the past year, improvements in all three disciplines have changed my mental approach and confidence to racing.  Entering and finishing a race being happy to have placed in the top 10 and admiring those who place ahead of me no longer exists.  This season, I have arrived at a new level of endurance, strength, and drive.  I have a heightened desire for ‘come from behind’ racing excellence by slamming it down on my dangerous run! Last weekend in Galveston, this hunger was palpable, however, I had no results to take home. I was disqualified after I had reached the finish line. ....

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